Friday, July 23, 2010

LiV Screwdriver
2 oz. LiV Vodka Orange Juice Preparation:
Combine LiV Vodka and OJ in a highball glass filled with ice.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Hampton Classic Cocktail
1.5 oz. LiV Vodka
.5 oz. St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur
1 oz. Fresh Grapefruit Juice
1 oz. Fresh Lemon Juice
1 tsp. Stirrings Orange Bitters
1/4 tsp. Agave Nectar
Combine all ingredients in a shaker with ice and shake well, strain into a chilled Coupé glass. Finish with Sonya Orchid.
Drink developed by Dale DeGroff “King Cocktail”
LiV Jitney
2 oz. LiV Vodka
5 oz. Ruby Red Grapefruit
Combine LiV Vodka and fresh squeezed ruby red grapefruit juice into a Collins glass filled with

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


2 oz. Pearl
® Original Vodka
1 oz. Arrow® Sour Apple Liqueur
1 oz. Sweet & Sour Mix
Shake well with ice in a shaker and
strain into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with an apple wedge.

2 oz. Pearl
® Original Vodka
1 oz. Arrow® Triple Sec
1 oz. Cranberry Juice
Squeeze of Fresh Lime
Shake well with ice in a shaker and
strain into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with a lemon wheel.

2 ½ oz. Pearl
® Original Vodka
¼ oz. Green Olive juice
Blue Cheese and Jerk Spiced
Stuffed Olives
Start with fresh blue cheese and pour
a generous amount of jerk spice on
top, mix well. Remove pimento from
three large green olives and stuff the
blue cheese mixture in. (Easy-put blue
cheese mix into a plastic baggy, push
into bottom right corner of the bag, cut
the corner of the bag off and squeeze
mixture into the olives. Shake in a tin
the Pearl Vodka and Olive Juice with
ice, pour into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with Blue Cheese and Jerk
Spice stuffed olives on a pick.

1 ½ oz. Pearl
® Original Vodka
Fill with Cranberry Juice
Pour Pearl Original Vodka over ice
into a tall glass and add cranberry
juice to fll. Stir gently and garnish
with a lime slice.

2 oz. Pearl
® Original Vodka
½ oz. Arrow® Triple Sec
1 oz. Sweet & Sour Mix
2 tsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
Shake well with ice in a shaker and
strain into a chilled martini glass.
Rim with sugar and garnish with
a lemon slice.

1 ½ oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
Fill with Fresh Lemonade
Pour Pearl Pomegranate Flavored
Vodka over ice into a tall glass and add
lemonade to fll. Stir gently and garnish
with a lemon slice.
1 ½ oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
Fill with your favorite Energy Drink
Pour Pearl Pomegranate Flavored
Vodka over ice into a tall glass and
add your favorite energy drink to
fll. Stir well and garnish with a
Maraschino cherry.
1 ½ oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
Fill with Equal Parts Cranberry Juice
& Pineapple Juice
Pour Pearl Pomegranate Flavored
Vodka over ice into a tall glass and
add equal parts cranberry juice and
pineapple juice to fll. Stir well and
garnish with a pineapple wedge.
2 oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
1 oz. Arrow® White Crème de Cacao
1 oz. Fresh Cream
½ oz. Grenadine
Shake well with ice in a shaker and
strain into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with a Maraschino cherry.
2 oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
Muddled Cucumber with juice of fresh lime
½ oz. Simple Syrup
Dash of Pama (or other
pomegranate liqueur)
Muddle two cucumber slices in fresh
lime juice and simple syrup. Add Pearl
Pomegranate and Pama. Shake well
and serve in a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with cucumber wheel.
1 ½ oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
4 oz. Chilled Champagne
Splash of Grenadine
Pour Pearl Pomegranate Flavored
Vodka into fute and add champagne to
fll. Add a splash of grenadine for color.
1 ½ oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
1 ½ oz. Pomegranate Juice
4 oz. Lemon-Lime Soda
Pour Pearl Pomegranate Flavored
Vodka and pomegranate juice over ice
into a tall glass and add lemon-lime
soda to fll. Stir well and garnish with a
lemon slice.
2 oz. Pearl
® Pomegranate
Flavored Vodka
1 oz. Pomegranate Juice
1 ½ oz. Pink Grapefruit Juice
Squeeze of Fresh Lime
Shake well with ice in a shaker and
strain into a chilled martini glass.
Garnish with a lemon wheel.

Menjadi Seorang Dj

DJ juga tergolong musisi. Punya popularitas, fans, bahkan bisa menghasilkan pula. Tapi gampang nggak sih buat meraih itu semua?
Kalo ngaku gaul, pasti nggak asing lagi sama istilah clubbing. Apalagi, belakangan acara dugem (deeu..) kayak gitu rasanya makin banyak aja. Baik indoor, maupun outdoor. Di tengah kota, atau melipir ke pantai serta kaki pegunungan.
Nah. Di ajang-ajang kayak gitu, yang namanya musik dance alias ajeb-ajeb, jadi satu unsur yang penting banget. Iyalah. Gimana mau joget kalo nggak ada musiknya?
Sosok yang paling bertanggung jawab buat asik plus serunya scene clubbing alias raving gak lain adalah disc-jockey alias DJ!

Riri, Winky, Tiesto, Paul Van Dyk, Sasha.djfvnk
Nama-nama di atas adalah beberapa DJ yang udah populer banget di kalangan partygoers. Sama kayak band beken, di mata penggemarnya mereka tuh udah kayak superstar aja. Di mana pun sang DJ beraksi, partygoers pasti ikutan nongol di situ.

Jadi DJ itu bisa ngejamin suksesnya sebuah event dong?
"Nggak juga. Menurut gue pada sebuah event party semua yang ada di situ bersinergi. Mulai dari organizer-nya, terutama yang emang udah biasa bikin event bagus, tempatnya yang emang asik, sampai DJ. Kalo cuma DJ-nya aja yang ditonjolin, belum tentu juga event-nya sukses," begitu kata DJ funk yang termasuk paling difavoritin sama partygoers mancananegara.

DJ Funk nggak asal merendah. Dia lantas ngasih contoh. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, katanya, ada seorang DJ luar negeri yang cukup terkenal beraksi di sebuah party scene di Bali. Gara-gara musik yang dibawainnya nggak pas sama kemauan crowd di tempatnya beraksi, hasilnya pun gagal total.

Ibarat pawang, seorang DJ kudu jago juga ngebaca "arah angin" alias mood partygoers. Maka, jam terbang yang tinggi mutlak dibutuhkan oleh seorang DJ. Makin tinggi jam terbangnya, makin gape dia menyusun repertoir buat menggiring suasana emosi pengunjung.

Nggak heran juga kalo seorang DJ andal itu biasanya muncul dari kalangan partygoers yang notabene rajin clubbing.

Banyak yang berminat jadi DJ, mungkin karena kelihatannya selalu dikelilingi wanita! Terus kalo udah beraksi di party kelihatannya punya power buat bikin orang nge-dance. Ada juga mungkin yang berpikir jadi DJ kelihatannya simpel, cuma muterin lagu dan nge-mix. Bisa juga ada yang ngelihat jadi DJ tuh income-nya udah termasuk oke. Apalagi sekarang ini DJ-DJ udah ada manajemennya.

Bisa nyenengin orang, income oke, dikelilingi cewek.... Wah! Jadi DJ emang seru.

Hari gini, jadi DJ tuh nggak susah. Kursus atau sekolah DJ udah banyak bermunculan. Belum lagi banyaknya referensi yang bisa ditemui. Mulai dari adanya toko-toko khusus yang menjual plat (piringan hitam) musik-musik dance, info dari internet, sampai menjamurnya event-event rave party dan tempat-tempat clubbing.
Satu hal yang rada bikin keder: keharusan mempunyai equipment DJ lengkap. Kayak turntable, mixer, sampai headphone. Dan semua itu tergolong mahal, jack!

Apalagi ada semacem keharusan, untuk jadi yang bener aja, semua equipment yang disebutin tadi sebaiknya high quality. Artinya nggak boleh merek sembarangan.

Waduh. Batal dong nih jadi DJ, gara-gara harga alatnya mahal?

Jangan nyerah dulu. Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Kalo emang dananya belum kekumpul, coba aja cari peranti second hand yang sekarang juga udah gampang dicari. Bermodal sekitar 3-4 juta perak, sebuah turntable second udah bisa kita miliki.
Bahkan, kalo emang dasarnya niat, bukan nggak mungkin dapetin alat DJ baru dengan harga miring.

Kelar urusan peranti, masuk ke masalah yang sebenernya: skill!
Tenang. Kalo kata DJ funk, asal kita punya pengetahuan soal teori musik dan sound basic sebenernya udah bisa jadi DJ.
Pengetahuan soal teori musik diperlukan karena sebagai DJ salah satu spesialisasinya adalah mixing lagu. Di situ kita harus paham bener apa yang namanya hitungan bar. Biar mixing dari satu lagu ke lagu lain nggak berantakan.

Nah. Simpel kan? Rajin-rajin deh nongkrongin party. Pelototin tiap DJ yang main. Sekadar memperhatikan aja udah cukup buat jadi modal awal.

Alat, bisa diakalin. Skill, bisa lah diasah. Apalagi ya?
"Kalo pengen jadi DJ intinya tuh harus niat banget. Kalo udah punya alat harus punya waktu khusus sekitar 3 sampai 4 jam di depan turntable. Udah gitu jangan takut bikin kesalahan. Kita selalu bisa learn by mistake. Terus yang penting juga kita harus respect with any kind of music, biar pengetahuan soal musik luas," begitu saran DJ funk

Mungkin yang bisa dijadikan pegangan kalo pengen memulai karir sebagai DJ adalah adanya kemungkinan profesi ini bakal berkembang banget ke depan. Apalagi klab dan raving scene makin marak aja belakangan ini.

Asal profesi ini ditekuni bener-bener, ke depannya pasti bisa menjanjikan. Tapi harus bener-bener niat karena sekarang ini competitor-nya mulai banyak dan bagus-bagus. Malah bukannya nggak mungkin bisa menjajah party scene di luar negeri!

DJ’s Equipments
Berikut ini daftar equipment seorang DJ. Nggak semua equipment harus dimiliki. Equipment nomer 1 sampai 3 adalah paling minimal buat pemula. Equipment tambahan selanjutnya adalah buat DJ-DJ yang udah advance.

Perangkat audio lawas yang merupakan senjata utama para DJ modern. Tentunya turntable yang digunakan para DJ sekarang ini adalah produksi terbaru dengan teknologi yang lebih maju. Merek yang ngetop antara lain Technics dan Vestax.

Perangkat sound system yang memiliki banyak tombol dan slider di panelnya ini digunakan buat pergantian lagu secara langsung dengan teknik fade out. Merek yang bisa dipilih ada Roland atau Mackie.

Perangkat ini digunakan DJ buat menentukan timing yang pas pada saat pengen mengganti lagu sebelum dikeluarkan ke pengeras suara. Merek yang paling sering dipilih biasanya tuh Sennheiser.

CD Player
Bakal ada masanya dimana fungsi turntable bakal digantikan sama CD Player. Selain pengunaannya lebih praktis, teknologinya lebih familiar pula. Tascam adalah merek yang sering diandelin.

Sampler & Drum Machines
Selain harus handal mixing lagu, kadang DJ dituntut buat kreatif pula atas lagu-lagu yang diputarnya. Dua instrumen elektronik ini bisa berperan.

Kalo udah memasuki era media digital kayak penggunaan CD Player, pengunaan software komputer perlu buat menjadikan fungsinya seperti layaknya turntable.

Style Musik Dance

Progressive House
Style dari genre house music. Musik hingar-bingarnya banyak memakai sound synthesizer yang cenderung dark dan nerawang. Dengerin aja musik-musik yang biasa dimainin DJ Riri (Spinach Records) atau John Digweed.

Deep House
Style lain dari house music. Nggak serame progressive house meski berciri sama, dan lebih banyak memakai sound keyboard. DJ Anton (Future Production), atau DJ Heru (Centro) biasanya ngandelin musik ini.

Genre ini merupakan kombinasi dari musik techno dan house. Musiknya kental dengan nuansa melodik. Musik kayak gini nih yang bikin nama DJ Tiesto dan Paul Van Dyk ngetop banget.

Drum and Bass
Begini jadinya kalo pattern bas dari musik reggae digabung sama upbeat tempo musik house. Sering dimainin sama Andy C dan Goldie, atau banyak DJ dari Inggris.

Musik dance yang satu ini lebih didominasi sama munculnya suara-suara perkusi. DJ Rommy (1945 MF) sempet memasukkan style musik ini pada aksinya.

Musik kayak gini bisa ditemuin di chill-out room. Mulai dari style musik jazz, new age, bahkan rock n’ roll masuk di dalamnya. Dipopulerin pertama kali sama Brian Eno. Biasanya jenis musik kayak gini sering dipasang di lounge bukan di diskotik atau klab gede.

A Brief Story About Rave Party
Rave party, tadinya dikenal pula sebagai free parties, adalah sebuah event dance yang digelar semalam suntuk. Di sinilah tempat DJ-DJ memamerkan keahliannya nge-mix musik-musik dance elektronik atau rave music. Istilah rave party dianggap berasal dari sebutan buat sebuah event dance party semi spontan yang digelar di pinggiran kota London. Istilah tadi akhirnya dipake buat menyebut fenomena party dan subkultur yang muncul dari perkembangan musik acid house yang dipopulerkan oleh Aphex Twin.
Kemunculannya terjadi sekitar akhir tahun 1980-an di Eropa dan Amrik sebagai bentuk perlawanan terhadap musik-musik populer alias komersil, kultur nightclub, dan radio-radio yang memutar lagu komersil. Makanya pada masa-masa itu event-event rave party ini bersifat underground.

Buat menjaga "jarak" dengan party scene yang dianggap mainstream, rave party biasanya digelar di venue-venue yang nggak lazim buat event dance. Contohnya kayak di bangunan gudang atau bahkan outdoor venue. Promosinya pun dengan cara bergerilya. Kayak lewat flyers, atau malah kadang cuma dari mulut ke mulut aja.

Di awal tahun 1990-an, begitu event rave party telah menjadi sebuah fenomena global, benturan dengan aparat hukum sempet merebak. Pasalnya event ini dianggap sebagai tempat penyebaran drugs. Nggak heran lantaran kultur yang terbangun di situ mirip dengan kultur hippies di tahun 1960-an. Semua serba bebas dan tanpa batasan.

Akhirnya buat mempertahankan fenomena rave party, di akhir tahun 1990-an event ini mulai mengarah agak mainstream. Klub-klub mulai menggelar rave party, sampai akhirnya event besar-besaran berbentuk festival buat rave party digelar pula. Contohnya kayak Street Parade di Swiss atau Jakarta Movement di Indonesia. Meski begitu semangat rave party tetep dipertahankan, yaitu yang populer di kalangan ravers dengan istilah PLUR (Peace, Love, Understanding/Unity, Respect).

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tips Untuk Berkenalan dan Memperkenalkan Diri

Banyak orang mempunyai masalah ketika berkenalan dengan orang lain. Bagaimana cara memperkenalkan diri, membuat orang lain merasa tertarik pada kita dan selanjutnya bersedia membina hubungan dengan kita. Ada beberapa tips yang dapat digunakan agar komunikasi kita menjadi lancar dan menyenangkan.

Ketika anda memutuskan untuk berkenalan dengan seseorang, sebaiknya konsentrasikan diri anda untuk menarik simpati orang tersebut dengan tutur kata dan suara yang baik, senyuman, bahasa tubuh, etika yang tepat dll. Tampillah sebagai pribadi yang menarik karena pribadi yang menyenangkan membuat orang lain senang berhubungan dengan orang tersebut.

Karena anda yang menginginkan orang tersebut mau berkenalan dengan anda, fokuskan perhatian pada orang tersebut. Sebelum mulai berkenalan, ketahui apa yang membuat orang tersebut tertarik. orang tersebut. Hal itu bisa dilakukan dengan cara mencari tahu dari teman, keluarga ataupun dari pandangan sekilas berkaitan dengan penampilannya, gayanya, sikapnya, dll. Bisa juga dilakukan dengan memperhatikan kajian komunikasi berikut ini.

· Biasanya orang tertarik karena adanya kedekatan geografis. Semakin berdekatan orang secara geografis, semakin besar kecenderungan mereka untuk tertarik terhadap satu sama lain. Misalnya bila orang tersebut dari Bandung dan anda dari Bandung, pembahasan tentang hal-hal di kota Bandung (tempat jalan-jalan, makanan, udara, produk dll) akan menyenangkan.

· Orang tertarik bila orang tersebut mempunyai minat serupa. Buss (1985) menemukan bukti kuat bahwa pemilihan pasangan hidup didasarkan atas kemiripan: usia, pendidikan, latar belakang etnik (ras, agama, sse). Ciri-ciri psikologis: kemiripan sikap, pendapat dan pandangan dunia. Hal yang juga berpengaruh adalah Kepribadian, gaya berbusana, tingkat sosio ekonomi, agama, usia, status dsb mempengaruhi perasaan seseorang terhadap orang lain.

· Tunjukkan rasa suka pada orang tersebut karena orang yang anda disukai cenderung membalas dengan menyukai orang yang menyukainya.

· Perubahan penghargaan diri: penelitian menunjukkan ketika penghargaan diri menurun, kebutuhan kita untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain meningkat, dan kita lebih menerima kasih sayang dari orang lain (meskipun sebelumnya tidak tertarik).

· Kondisi yang menimbulkan kecemasan tinggi menghasilkan keinginan yang jauh lebih besar untuk bergabung dengan orang lain daripada konsidi-kondisi yang menimbulkan kecemasan rendah. Misalnya dalam situasi menunggu kereta yang terlambat datang cukup lama, orang cenderung mau berbincang.

Setelah anda memutuskan topik yang anda akan angkat untuk memulai pembicaraan, putuskan juga kesan yang ingin anda buat. Dalam situasi bisnis ketika anda diharapkan tampak profesional namun anda terasa terlalu 'nyantai', akan dipersepsi negatif oleh lawan bicara anda. Orang lain tidak tahu yang ada dalam hati dan pikiran kita, orang hanya tahu tentang orang lain diantaranya dari apa yang dia lihat atau dengar. Jadi, berhati-hatilah dengan ekspresi anda, suara, gerak tubuh termasuk juga suara.

Jaga sikap tubuh anda. Kontak mata langsung sangatlah baik karena tatapan terang-terangan dipersepsi positif. Berlatihlah menatap langsung dengan ramah, respek, percaya diri dan meyakinkan. Tunjukkan minat tulus dan jujur melalui mata ketika berbicara. Hadapkan kepala anda pada orang yang diajak berbicara, jangan menatap orang dengan melirik, karena itu tidak mencerminkan ketulusan.

Ketika berjabat tangan, tunjukkan kesan respek, hangat, dan percaya diri. Berlatihlah jabat tangan yang baik dan mengesankan. Hindari jabat tangan yang sangat kencang, atau jabat tangan dingin seperti ikan basah karena mengesankan 'saya tidak tertarik pada anda'.

Pada perkenalan pihak ketiga, yang muda, diperkenalkan lebih dahulu pada yang lebih tua, yang lebih tinggi jabatannya atau pada wanita (dalam kehidupan sosial). Misal A mau memperkenalkan B (pegawai) pada C (boss). A akan memperkenalkan B dulu pada C, lalu baru C pada B.

Ketika perkenalan telah menjadi percakapan menarik, berhati-hatilah pada hal-hal berikut ini:

· Biarkan orang lain mengalahkan anda dalam permainan adu keunggulan.

· Biarkan orang lain bicara hal yang menjadi minatnya daripada anda pada minat anda

· Beri kebanggaan padanya, dia akan memberi anda perhatian lebih. Disraeli menyatakan 'Seseorang yang menyenangkan adalah orang yang setuju dengan saya'.

Jadilah pendengar yang baik. Belajar untuk ingin mendengarkan kata-katanya. Tidak ada topik yang tidak menarik, kitanya saja yang tidak tertarik. Berempatilah pada isi ceritanya.

Berkaitan dengan gelar, sebaiknya anda melupakan gelar sendiri, artinya tidak usah disebut sebagai Ir. Toni atau Bapak Toni, namun sebut saja Toni.

Penyebutan nama. Sebut nama orang tsb, lebih baik lagi pada awal perkenalan. Misal: “Senang bertemu Anda, Bu Novi”

· Bila nama orang tersebut kurang jelas bagi anda, minta penegasan sekali lagi. Ketika orang tersebut memberi kartu nama, minta nama dieja sehingga tidak keliru. Hal ini positif karena orang merasa terkesan karena kita berusaha semaksimal mungkin menyebut namanya

· Beri pujian atas namanya. Mengatakan namanya indah, jarang dimiliki orang atau amat pantas dengan pembawaannya. Hal ini membuat orang merasa tersanjung, selain itu juga mempermudah kita mengingat namanya.

· Buat asosiasi dengan sesuatu yang mudah bagi anda untuk mengingat. Misal: Mona dengan lukisan Monalisa, Hadi dengan hadiah.

· Sesering mungkin gunakan nama orang yang baru dikenal dalam percakapan anda atau tulis nama orang tersebut.

Demikianlah tips ringan cara berkenalan, semoga perkenalan anda menjadi menyenangkan..
Semoga bermanfaat deh...

Tips Jadi Bartender 2

jika anda mengerti pelajaran pertama ,sekarang kita masuk tips ke dua.bartender adalah seorang barten yang mana tugas nya adalah melayani tamu yang datang untuk minum ,dan seorang bartender harus bisa membuat minuman setidaknya international coacktail nah anda mulai belajar minuman yang ada .sudah tentu anda harus tahu apa saja yang dibutuhkan bartender,atau peralatan yang dibutuhkan di sebuah bar .mari kita mulai yuang simple, small bar.

alat -alat yang di butuhkan

1.botle opener opener spoon
tentunya alcohol sudah tersedia.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Kadang di jalan atau di suatu tempat kita banyak berjumpa dengan banyak orang. Tips ini untuk para lelaki ketika di dekatnya ada seseorang wanita yang ingin diajak untuk berkenalan sampai mendapatkan nomor teleponnya. Berikut 4 tips saat berkenalan :

1. Jangan terlalu cepat meminta nomor telepon

Berkenalan pada jaman sekarang memiliki resiko bagi seorang perempuan. Banyak dari mereka memikirkan keamanan masing-masing ketika bertemu orang baru. Ketika baru berkenalan dan Anda meminta nomor telponnya, Anda telah menciptakan situasi yang tidak nyaman karena lawan jenis Anda tentu bimbang untuk memberikannya, namun di sisi lain ia ingin mengetahui lebih jauh tentang Anda. Walaupun ia terlihat tertarik dengan Anda, ada kemungkinan ia menolak memberikan nomor telepon untuk keamanannya sendiri.

2. Be spontaneous

Bawalah pulpen dan secarik kertas untuk menuliskan nomor teleponnya, atau menuliskan nomor telepon Anda untuk diberikan. Jangan pernah menuliskan atau memberikan nomor telepon Anda sebelum meminta nomor telpon lawan jenis. Ia akan berpikir bahwa Anda sering melakukan hal seperti ini (memberikan nomor telepon ke perempuan lain). Jangan pula mengeluarkan notes kecil atau buku telepon yang telah berisi nomor telepon.

Apabila akan mencatat nomor telepon, cobalah dengan mengambil barang secara spontan yang ada di sekitarmu, seperti serbet, tissue, atau kertas, sehingga akan tercipta kesan bahwa Anda benar-benar niat meminta nomor teleponnya.

3. Berikan alamat email

Berikan alamat email Anda, sebagai pengganti nomor telepon. Mungkin email kurang nyaman buat Anda, tetapi bisa menjadi penghubung yang baik untuk berkomunikasi dengan lawan jenis. Banyak perempuan suka mengeksplorasi pemikiran dan sifat-sifat yang ada pada diri pria sebelum memulai untuk kencan, atau sekedar minum kopi bareng. Sedikit perkenalan dan pembicaraan ringan mungkin bisa memberikan pandangan yang baik untuknya dan membuatnya berani melanjutkan hubungan selangkah lebih jauh.

4. Berikan alasan

Berikan alasan kenapa Anda membutuhkan nomor teleponnya. Alasan yang disebutkan tentunya yang masuk akal dan tidak membuatnya menjauhi Anda. Ciptakan kesan yang baik pada diri Anda sehingga ia bersedia dan tidak ragu-ragu memberikan nomor telepon. Anda juga bisa menawarkan bantuan apabila ia membutuhkan sesuatu. Itu akan lebih berarti ketimbang mengajaknya keluar untuk sekedar minum teh.

Selamat mencoba!!!!

* 7 Tips Memikat Wanita Pujaan Hati
* Lima Tips Rahasia Sexs Wanita
* 11 Tips Sehat Kaum Adam
* Tips Bahagia Saat Menikah
* Tips Untuk Menjadi Suami Romantis
* Tips PDKT dan Dapetin Cewek
* Tips Saat NgeDate Pertama Kali
* Tips Memperbesar Penis Oleh Dokter
* Tips Dan Cara Memperoleh Simpati Dari Seorang Wanita
* Tips Agar Kita Senantiasa Terhindar Dari Perbuatan Zina
* Tips Ampuh Mengambil Hati Cewek
* Tips Untuk Berkenalan Dengan Cewek Dalam 5 menit
* Tips Untuk Berkenalan dan Memperkenalkan Diri
* Tips Untuk Berkenalan dan Berkomunikasi Dengan Lawan Jenis
* Tips Memperoleh Simpati Dari Wanita
* Tips Agar Selalu Hangat Bagi Pasangan Sibuk
* Tips memilih Cewek Dari Cara Berjalannya
* Tips Buat Cowok Kalau Ingin Memainkan Payudara Pacarnya
* Tips Memilih Pacar Dengan Mengetahui Sifatnya Berdasarkan Ukuran Payudara
* Tips Hidup Sehat Tanpa Rokok
* Tips Mencegah Perilaku Sexs Yang Lebih Dini Dengan Makan Pagi
* Tips Buat Cowok Yang Mau Nembak Cewek Yang Bapaknya Galak
* Tips Buat Para Cowok Yang Suka Ngegombal Di Depan Cewek
* Tips Buat Para Cowok Yang Lagi Jomblo Biar Cepet Dapet Cewek

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tuak 1


Tuak adalah sejenis minuman yang merupakan hasil fermentasi dari bahan minuman/buah yang mengandung gula. Tuak sering juga disebuat pula arak adalah produk yang mengandung alkohol. Bahan baku yang biasa dipakai adalah: beras atau cairan yang diambil dari tanaman seperti nira kelapa atau aren, legen dari pohon siwalan atau tal, atau sumber lain.
Kadar alkohol berbeda-beda bergantung daerah pembuatnya. Arak yang dibuat di pulau Bali yang dikenal juga dengan nama brem bali, dikenal mengandung alkohol yang kadarnya cukup tinggi.
Beberapa tempat di Pulau Madura dahulu dikenal sebagai sebagai penghasil tuak, namun orang Madura tidak mempunyai kebiasaan minum yang kuat. Saat ini dapat dikatakan sangat sedikit orang Madura yang minum tuak atau arak.
Pada saat ini masyarakat Tapanuli (Sumatera Utara),khususnya etnis Batak menganggap bahwa Tuak berkhasiat menyehatkan badan karena mengandung efek menghangatkan tubuh.Wikipedia:Mengutip sumber

Artikel mengenai makanan dan minuman ini adalah suatu tulisan rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia mengembangkannya [1].



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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Standard Drink Recipes
Courtesy of
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Table of Contents
Standard Highballs................................ 3
Highball Juice Drinks ........................... 3
Tall Drinks............................................ 3
Cocktails - Up....................................... 4
Cocktails On The Rocks ....................... 4
Cocktails Up Or As A Shooter.............. 4
Cocktails Using Sweet & Sour ............. 5
Cocktails Using Sweet & Sour ............. 5
Collins Drinks....................................... 6
Drinks With OJ..................................... 6
Cream Drinks........................................ 6
The Bloody Mary.................................. 7
The Old Fashioned................................ 7
After Dinner Drinks.............................. 7
Wine Drinks.......................................... 7
Blended Drinks ..................................... 8
Coffee Drinks........................................ 8
Layered Shooters .................................. 9
Misc Drinks........................................... 9

Standard Highballs
Built in iced highball

Bourbon & 7Up Bourbon
1 oz Bourbon Fill With 7Up

Brandy Press Brandy
1 oz Brandy Fill With Equal Parts & 7Up Soda Lemon Twist

Cuba Libre
1 oz Rum Fill With Coke Lime

Gin & Tonic
1 oz Gin Fill With Tonic Lime

1 oz Bourbon Fill With Ginger ale

1 oz Bourbon Fill With Equal Parts Soda & 7Up Soda Lemon Twist

Rum & Coke
1 oz Rum Fill With Coke

Scotch & Soda
1 oz Scotch Fill With Soda

Vodka Press
1 oz Vodka Fill With Equal Parts 7Up Soda & Lemon Twist

Vodka & Tonic
1 oz Vodka Fill With Tonic Lime

Whiskey & Water
1 oz Bourbon 1 oz Bourbon Fill With Water

Highball Juice Drinks Built in iced highball glass Bay (Hawaiian) Breeze
1 oz Vodka Fill With Equal Parts Pineapple & Cranberry

Cape Cod
1 oz Vodka Fill With Cranberry

Gold Driver
1 oz Tequila Fill With OJ

1 oz Vodka Fill With Grapefruit

1 oz Rum Fill With Coke Lime

Salty Dog
1 oz Vodka Fill With Grapefruit Salt The Rim Of The Glass

1 oz Vodka Fill With OJ

Sea Breeze
1 oz Vodka Fill With Equal Parts Cranberry & Grapefruit

Tall Drinks Build in Iced Collins Glass

Tall Bourbon & Bourbon & Tall Water
1 oz Bourbon Fill With Water

Tall Cuba Libre
1 oz Rum Fill With Coke Lime

Tall Presbyterian
1 oz Bourbon Fill With Equal Parts 7Up & Soda Lemon Twist

Tall Screwdriver
1 oz Vodka Fill With OJ

Cocktails - Up
1. 1. Chilled stem glass
2. 2. Ice the mixing cup
3. 3. Pour vermouth first
4. 4. Pour liquor
5. 5. Stir or shake
6. 6. Strain into glass
7. 7. Garnish

Brandy Manhattan
1 3 / 4 oz Brandy
1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth Cherry

Dry Manhattan
1 3/4 oz Bourbon
2 drops Dry Vermouth

Dry Rob Roy
1 3/4 oz Scotch
2 drops Dry Vermouth
Perfect Manhattan
1 3/4 oz Bourbon
1/8 oz Each Dry & Sweet Vermouth

1 3/4 oz Gin
2 drops Dry Vermouth Onion

1 3/4 oz Bourbon
1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth Cherry

Martini Martini
1 3/4 oz Gin
2 drops Dry Vermouth Olive

Perfect Brandy Manhattan
1 3/4 oz Brandy
1/8 oz Each Dry & Sweet Vermouth Lemon Twist

Perfect Rob Roy
1 3/4 oz Scotch
1/8 oz Each Dry & Sweet Vermouth Lemon Twist

Rob Roy
1 3/4 oz Scotch
1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth

Vodka Martini
1 3/4oz Vodka
2 drops Dry Vermouth Olive

Cocktails On The Rocks
Built in iced rocks
1. 1. Ice rocks glass
2. 2. Pour vermouth first vermouth
3. 3. Pour liquor next
4. 4. Garnish
5. 5. Put stirrer in glass

Brandy Man Rocks
1 3/4 oz Brandy
1/4oz Sweet Vermouth Cherry

Gibson Rough
1 3/4 oz Gin
1/8 oz Dry Vermouth Onion

Manhattan Over
1 3/4 oz Bourbon
1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth Cherry

Martini Rocks
1 3/4 oz Gin
1/8 oz Dry Vermouth Olive

Perfect Man Over
1 3/4 oz Bourbon
1/8 oz Each Dry & Sweet Vermouth Lemon Twist

Perfect Rob Roy Rocks
1 3/4 oz Scotch
1/8 oz Each Dry & Sweet Vermouth Sweet Lemon Twist

Rob Roy Rough
1 3/4 oz Scotch
1/4 oz Sweet Vermouth Cherry

Cocktails Up Or As A Shooter Always Shaken if in cocktail glass

1 oz Vodka
1/4 oz Triple Sec
1/4 oz Lime Juice
Dash of Cranberry
Lime Wedge

Build over Ice
1 1/2oz Gin
1 /2 Lime Juice
Lime Wedge

1 oz Vodka
1/4 oz Triple Sec
1/4 oz Lime Juice

Lemon Drop
1oz Vodka
1/4 oz Triple Sec
1/4 oz Sweet & Sour
Sugar Rim
Lemon Twist

Purple Hooter
1oz Vodka
1/4 oz Chambord
1/4 oz Sweet & Sour

Sidecar Sespan
1 oz Brandy
1/4 oz Triple Sec
1/4 oz Sweet & Sour
Sugar Rim & Lemon Twist

Vodka Gimlet
Build over Ice
1 1/2oz Vodka
1 /2 Lime Juice
Lime Wedge

Cocktails Using Sweet & Sour

Whiskey Sour
Chill Sour Glass
1 oz Bourbon
2 oz Sweet & sour
Shake and Strain

Amaretto Sour
Chill Sour Glass
1 oz Amaretto
2 oz Sweet & sour
Shake and Strain

Long Island Iced Tea
1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Rum
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Triple sec
Fill With Sweet & Sour Top With Coke Lemon Wheel Lemon

Electric Iced Tea
1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Gin
1/2 oz Rum
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
Fill With Sweet & Sour Top With 7Up Lemon Wheel

Cocktails Using Sweet & Sour

Gin Fizz
1 oz Gin
2oz Sweet & Sour
Shake & Strain
*Fill With Soda *

Sloe Gin Fizz
1 oz Sloe Gin
2oz Sweet & Sour
Shake & Strain
*Fill With Soda *

Bacardi Cocktail Bacardi Cocktail
1 oz Bacardi Light Rum
1/2 oz Grenadine
1 1/2 oz Sweet & Sour
Shake & Strain

Mai Tai
Build over ice
1 oz Light Rum
1/2 oz Dark Rum
1 oz Sweet & Sour
Fill With Equal Parts
Pineapple & OJ
1/2 oz Grenadine
Myer's Rum Float
Cherry & Orange

Build over ice
1 oz Light Rum
1oz Dark Rum
1/2 oz Crème de
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1 oz OJ
1 oz Sweet & Sour
Stir Float 1/2 oz 151 Rum

Alabama Slammer
Build over ice
1/2 oz Amaretto
1/2 oz Sloe Gin
1/2 oz Southern Comfort
Fill With Equal Parts of Sweet & Sour & OJ
* Drinks made in a * shaker that contain soda, add the soda after shaking

Collins Drinks

Built in iced Collins glass
Vodka Collins
1 oz Vodka
Fill With Collins Mix

Tom Collins Tom Collins
1 oz Gin
Fill With Collins Mix

John Collins John Collins
1 oz Bourbon
Fill With Collins Mix

Joe Collins Joe Collins
1 oz Scotch
Fill With Collins Mix

Singapore Sling Singapore Sling
1 oz Gin
Fill With Collins Mix
Blackberry brandy float

Drinks With OJ

Build over ice
Freddy Fudpucker
Ice Collins glass
1 oz Tequila
Fill With OJ
Float 1/2 oz Galliano

Fuzzy Navel Fuzzy Navel
Ice high ball glass
1 oz Peach Schnapps
Fill With OJ

Hairy Navel
Ice Collins glass
1/2 oz Vodka
1 oz Peach Schnapps
Fill With OJ

Harvey Wallbanger
Ice Collins glass
1 oz Vodka
Fill With OJ
Float 1/2 oz Galliano

Melon Ball Melon Ball
Ice Collins glass
1 oz Vodka
Fill With OJ
Float 1/2 oz Midori

Sex On The Beach
Ice Collins glass
1/2 oz Vodka
1 oz Peach Schnapps
Fill With Equal Parts
OJ & Cranberry

Sloe Screw
Ice high ball glass
1 oz Sloe Gin
Fill With OJ

Sloe Comfortable Screw
Ice Collins glass
1 oz Sloe Gin
Fill With OJ
Float 1/2 oz Southern

Sloe Comfortable Sloe Screw up Against the Wall
1 oz Sloe Gin
1/2 oz Southern Comfort
Fill With OJ
Float 1/2 oz Galliano

Tequila Sunrise
Ice Collins glass
1 oz Tequila
Fill With OJ
Float 1/ 2 oz Grenadine

Tequila Sunset
Ice Collins glass
1 oz Tequila
Fill With OJ
Float 1/ 2 oz Blackberry Float
Cream Drinks

Shake & Strain or Blend
Brandy Alexander
1/2 oz Brandy
1/2 oz Brown Crème de
2 oz Cream

1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz OJ
1 1/2 oz Cream

Gold Cadillac
1/2 oz Galliano
1/2 oz White Crème de
2 oz Cream
1/2 oz White Crème de
1/2 oz Green Crème de
2 oz Cream

The Bloody Mary

Build in iced collins or pint glass
Bloody Mary
1 oz Vodka
2 Dashes Pepper
2 Dashes Salt
2 Dashes Celery Salt
4 Drops Worcestershire
1 Drop Tabasco
Fill With Tomato Juice OR
Use Bloody Mary Mix
Instead Of Spices And Tomato Juice
Garnish With Celery Stick
Or Lime

Bloody Maria
1 oz Tequila
2 Dashes Pepper
2 Dashes Salt
2 Dashes Celery Salt
4 Drops Worcestershire
1 Drop Tabasco
Fill With Tomato Juice OR Use Bloody Mary Mix
Instead Of Spices And Tomato Juice
Garnish With Celery Stick Or Lime

Bloody Caesar
Use Clamato Juice

Bloody Bull
Use Beef Bouillon

The Old Fashioned
Build in rocks glass Old Fashioned
Start Without Ice
Add 1 Sugar Cube A Few Drops Of Bitters J
An Orange Wedge & A Cherry
1 Dash Soda
Add Ice
1 1/2 oz Bourbon

After Dinner Drinks

Served Over Ice
Black Russian
1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Kahlua

Brave Bull Brave Bull
1 1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Kahlua

Dirty Mother
1 1/2 oz Brandy
1/2 oz Kahlua

1 1/2 oz Scotch
1/2 oz Amaretto

1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Amaretto

King Alphonse
1 1/2 oz Dark Crème de Cacao
1/2 oz Cream

Rusty Nail
1 1/2 oz Scotch
1/2 oz Drambuie

Separator (Dirty White Mother)
Hi Ball Glass
1 1/2 oz Brandy
Fill With Half & Half Kahlua Float

Smith & Kearns
Hi Ball Glass
1 1/2 oz Kahlua
Fill With Cream
Splash Of Soda

1 1/2 oz Kahlua
1/2 oz Cream

1 1/2 oz Brandy
1/2 White Crème de Menthe

White Russian
1 1/2 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Kahlua
Float Of Cream

Wine Drinks

Bellini Bellini
1 oz Peach Nectar
Fill With Champagne

Campari & Soda
Ice Hi Ball glass
1 oz Compari
Fill With Soda
Lemon Twist

Champagne Cocktail
Champagne Glass
1 Sugar Cube
A Few Dashes Bitters strip
Fill With Champagne

Dubonnet Cocktail
Ice Rocks glass
1 1/4 oz Gin
1 1/4 oz Dubonnet
Lemon Twist

1/4 oz Crème de Casis
Fill with White Wine
Garnish with Lemon Twist

Kir Royal
Champagne Glass
1/4 oz Crème de Casis
Fill with Champagne
Garnish with Lemon Twist

1 oz OJ
Fill with Champagne

3/4 oz Gin
3/4 oz Compari
3/4 oz Sweet Vermouth
Lemon Twist

1 oz Cranberry
Fill with Champagne

Ice collins glass
1/2 Fill With White Wine
1/2 Fill With Soda
Lemon Twist

Wine Cooler
Ice Collins glass
1/2 Fill With Red Wine
1/2 Fill With 7 Up
Blended Drinks
All These Drinks Can Also Be Shaken And Served Over Rocks

Blue Eyes
1 oz Light Rum
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
2 1/2oz Pina Colada Mix

Blue Margarita
Salt Glass Rim
1 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Blue Curacao
1 1/2 Sweet & Sour

Chi Chi
1 oz Vodka
3 oz Pina Colada Mix
Blend Cherry & Or Pineapple Wedge

1 oz Light Rum
2 oz Sweet & Sour

Fresh Fruit Daiquiri
1 oz Light Rum
2 oz Sweet & Sour
1/4 Cup Fruit Of Choice
Garnish With Fruit Used

Salt Glass Rim
1 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1 1/2 Sweet & Sour

Pina Colada
1 oz Light Rum
3 oz Pina Colada Mix
Cherry & Or Pineapple Wedge

Coffee Drinks
Always Ask If
Whipped Cream Is

Bailey's Coffee
1 oz Bailey's Irish
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped

Calypso Coffee
1 oz Light Rum
1/2 oz Tia Maria
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped Top

Coffee Keioke
1 oz Brandy
1/4 oz Kahlua
1/4 oz Brown Crème de Cacao
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped Cream

Coffee Royal
1 oz Brandy
Sugar Optional
Fill With Hot Coffee
Lemon Twist

Hot Toddy
1 oz Bourbon
Sugar Optional
Fill With Hot Water
Lemon Twist

Irish Cofee
1 oz Irish Whiskey
1 Sugar Cube
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped Cream

Jamaican Coffee
1/2 oz Meyer's Rum
1/2 oz Tia Maria
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped Cream

Kahlua Coffee
1 oz Kahlua
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped Cream

Mexican Coffee
1/2 oz Tequila
1/2 oz Kahlua
Fill With Hot Coffee
Top With Whipped Cream

Layered Shooters
Prepare in shot glass, Layer in the order listed
B-52 B-52
1/3 Kahlua
1/3 Baileys
1/3 Grand Marnier

B-52 on a Mission
1/4 Kahlua
1/4 Baileys
1/4 Grand Marnier
1/4 151 Rum

Butter Ball
3/4 oz Butterscotch
1/2 oz Grand Marnier
Cement Mixer
1 oz Baileys
Dash of Lime Juice

F-16 F-16
1/3 Kahlua
1/3 Baileys
1/3 Brandy

Girl Scout Cookie
1/3 Dk Cr de Cacao
1/3 Wh Cr de Menthe
1/3 Baileys

Mud Slide
1/3 Kahlua
1/3 Baileys
1/3 Vodka

Muddy Waters
1/3 Kahlua
1/3 Baileys
1/3 Vodka
Stir Once

1/3 Kahlua
1/3 Amaretto
1/3 Baileys

Power Slide
1/3 Kahlua
1/3 Baileys
1/3 Jagermeister

Power Mud Slide
1/4 Kahlua
1/4 Baileys
1/4 Jagermeister
1/4 Vodka

Russian Quaalude
1/3 Frangelica
1/3 Baileys
1/3 Vodka

Screaming Orgasm
1/4 Kahlua
1/4 Amaretto
1/4 Baileys

Slippery Nipple
2/3 Sambuca
1/3 Baileys
1 Drop Of Grenadine

Misc Drinks
Angel's Tit
Build in Sherry glass
1 oz Dark Cacao
Float cream
Cherry on top

Dr. Pepper
1 oz Amaretto in lined shot glass
Fill beer glass 3/4 full
Drop filled shot glass
into beer

Jolly Rancher
Prepare in Mixing glass
1/2 oz Apple Schnapps
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/2 oz Sweet & Sour
Transfer to un-iced
Rocks glass
Add Splash of 7 UP

Mind Eraser Mind Eraser
Prepare in Mixing glass
1 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Kahlua
Transfer to un-iced
Rocks glass
Add Splash of 7 UP

Alabama Slammer, 5
Amaretto Sour, 5
Angel's Tit, 9
B-52, 9
B-52 on a Mission, 9
Bacardi Cocktail, 5
Bailey's Coffee, 8
Bay (Hawaiian) Breeze, 3
Bellini, 7
Black Russian, 7
Bloody Maria, 7
Bloody Mary, 7
Blue Eyes, 8
Blue Margarita, 8
Bourbon & 7Up, 3
Brandy Alexander, 6
Brandy Man Rocks, 4
Brandy Manhattan, 4
Brandy Press, 3
Brave Bull, 7
Butter Ball, 9
Calypso Coffee, 8
Campari & Soda, 7
Cape Cod, 3
Cement Mixer, 9
Champagne Cocktail, 7
Chi Chi, 8
Coffee Keioke, 8
Coffee Royal, 8
Cosmopolitan, 4
Creamsickle, 6
Cuba Libre, 3
Daiquiri, 8
Dirty Mother, 7
Dr. Pepper, 9
Dry Manhattan, 4
Dry Rob Roy, 4
Dubonnet Cocktail, 8
Electric Iced Tea, 5
F-16, 9
Freddy Fudpucker, 6
Fresh Fruit Daiquiri, 8
Fuzzy Navel, 6
Gibson, 4
Gibson Rough, 4
Gimlet, 4
Gin & Tonic, 3
Gin Fizz, 5
Girl Scout Cookie, 9
Godfather, 7
Godmother, 7
Gold Cadillac, 6
Gold Driver, 3
Grasshopper, 6
Greyhound, 3
Hairy Navel, 6
Harvey Wallbanger, 6
Highball, 3
Hot Toddy, 8
Irish Cofee, 9
Jamaican Coffee, 9
Joe Collins, 6
John Collins, 6
Jolly Rancher, 9
Kahlua Coffee, 9
Kamikaze, 4
King Alphonse, 7
Kir, 8
Kir Royal, 8
Lemon Drop, 5
Long Island Iced Tea, 5
Madras, 3
Mai Tai, 5
Manhattan, 4
Manhattan Over, 4
Margarita, 8
Martini, 4
Martini Rocks, 4
Melon Ball, 6
Mexican Coffee, 9
Mimosa, 8
Mind Eraser, 9
Mud Slide, 9
Muddy Waters, 9
Negroni, 8
Old Fashioned, 7
Orgasm, 9
Perfect Brandy Manhattan, 4
Perfect Man Over, 4
Perfect Manhattan, 4
Perfect Rob Roy, 4
Perfect Rob Roy Rocks, 4
Pina Colada, 8
Poinsettia, 8
Power Mud Slide, 9
Power Slide, 9
Presbyterian, 3
Purple Hooter, 5
Rob Roy, 4
Rob Roy Rough, 4
Rum & Coke, 3
Russian Quaalude, 9
Rusty Nail, 7
Salty Dog, 3
Scotch & Soda, 3
Screaming Orgasm, 9
Screwdriver, 3
Sea Breeze, 3
Separator (Dirty White Mother), 7
Sex On The Beach, 6
Sidecar, 5
Singapore Sling, 6
Slippery Nipple, 9
Sloe Comfortable Screw, 6
Sloe Comfortable Screw up Against the Wall, 6
Sloe Gin Fizz, 5
Sloe Screw, 6
Smith & Kearns, 7
Sombrero, 7
Spritzer, 8
Stinger, 7
Tall Bourbon & Water, 3
Tall Cuba Libre, 3
Tall Presbyterian, 3
Tall Screwdriver, 3
Tequila Sunrise, 6
Tequila Sunset, 6
Tom Collins, 6
Vodka & Tonic, 3
Vodka Collins, 6
Vodka Gimlet, 5
Vodka Martini, 4
Vodka Press, 3
Whiskey & Water, 3
Whiskey Sour, 5
White Russian, 7
Wine Cooler, 8
Zombie, 5

Monday, July 12, 2010


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


METANOL kependekan dari etil alkohol yang sering juga disebut grain alcohol atau alkohol. Bahan ini muncul dalam minuman beralkohol setelah terfermentasinya substrat mengandung pati atau gula tinggi oleh khamir (yeast), biasanya dari spesies Saccharomyces, pada kondisi anaerob.
Lamanya proses fermentasi tergantung kepada bahan dan jenis produk yang ingin dihasilkan. Proses pemeraman singkat (fermentasi tidak sempurna), sekitar 1-2 minggu, dapat menghasilkan produk dengan kandungan etanol 3%-8%. Sementara pada proses fermentasi sempurna, mencapai waktu bulanan bahkan tahunan, dapat menghasilkan produk dengan kandungan etanol sekitar 7%-18%.,
Sebab, khamir umumnya tidak dapat hidup pada lingkungan dengan kandungan etanol di atas 18%. Untuk menghasilkan minuman beralkohol dengan kadar etanol lebih tinggi, dapat dilakukan dengan dua cara. Pertama, melalui proses distilasi (penyulingan) terhadap produk yang dihasilkan melalui proses fermentasi. Produk ini selanjutnya dinamakan distilled beverages. Kedua, dengan mencampur produk hasil fermentasi dengan produk hasil distilasi.
Beberapa produk minuman beralkohol beserta bahan dasarnya, di antaranya:

Bir merupakan minuman beralkohol dengan cita rasa berasal dari suatu bahan berasa pahit, yaitu hop, serta diperoleh dari fermentasi khamir pada maltosa yang didapat dari degradasi enzimatik pati.
Secara komersial, bir diproduksi dalam beberapa tahap.
1. Malting. Gandum (barley) direndam dalam air (steeping), ditiriskan, dan dibiarkan berkecambah dalam kondisi yang paling mendukung pembentukan amilase. Kecambah selanjutnya dikeringkan, serta diayak untuk memisahkan akar-akarnya. Bahan ini disebut malt.
2. Malt digiling dan direndam dalam air panas bersama dengan pati serealia (jagung atau beras). Pati akan tergelatinisasi dan terhidrolisis oleh enzim amilase menjadi gula yang dapat difermentasi. Ekstrak yang dapat difermentasi ini, disebut wort, kemudian disaring.
3. Untuk memberi cita rasa, ke dalam wort selanjutnya ditambahkan hop. Campuran tersebut kemudian dididihkan untuk sterilisasinya.
4. Cairan yang disebut liquor ini selanjutnya disaring kembali dan didinginkan sebelum diinokulasi dengan khamir S. cerevisiae, yang merupakan khamir "permukaan" (top yeast), untuk mendapatkan bir tipe ale —menggunakan malt yang sangat kering-- dan S. carlsbergensis atau S. uvarum, yang merupakan khamir "bawah" (bottom yeast), untuk mendapatkan bir tipe lager, yang biasanya berwarna lebih terang daripada tipe ale.
5. Bahan tersebut selanjutnya dibiarkan pada suhu sekitar 50 sampai 100 derajat Celsius (untuk bir tipe lager) atau 100 sampai 200 derajat Celsius (untuk bir tipe ale) untuk difermentasi selama beberapa hari. Selama waktu itu maltosa terkonversi menjadi alkohol dan gas karbondioksida.
6. Untuk memperbaiki kualitas, pada akhir fermentasi bir akan mengalami proses pengendapan, centrifuge, dan penyaringan khamir. Bir kemudian disimpan dalam tong-tong penyimpanan untuk pematangan selama 1 hingga 4 minggu pada suhu rendah (50 derajat Celsius), kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam tong kecil (cosk), botol, atau kaleng.
7. Bir yang dikemas dalam botol atau kaleng biasanya dipasteurisasi pada suhu 68 derajat Celsius untuk beberapa detik sebelum dipasarkan, sedangkan bir yang dikemas dalam tong tidak dipasteurisasi.

"Wine" dan "brandy"
Wine diperoleh dari fermentasi buah anggur warna merah atau jingga bersama kulitnya yang mengandung pigmen merah. Sementara anggur putih (white wines) dibuat dari buah anggur warna putih dan difermentasi tanpa kulit.Pada pembuatan wine, buah anggur hasil panen akan mengalami proses penghancuran untuk mengeluarkan sari buah yang mengandung gula. Kalium atau natrium metabisulfit selanjutnya ditambahkan pada hancuran yang disebut lumut (must) tersebut, guna menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri pembusuk dan khamir liar. Ke dalam lumut selanjutnya diinokulasikan S. cerevisiae atau S. ellipsoideus, dan dibiarkan berbulan-bulan hingga fermentasi betul-betul sempurna. Setelah proses tersebut, anggur dikeluarkan dan dimatangkan dalam tong-tong kayu di mana cita rasa selanjutnya akan terbentuk. Sementara brandy, walau bahan dasarnya sama, biasanya grape wine, dibuat melalui proses distilasi.

Cider merupakan minuman yang terbuat dari jus apel. Di Amerika dan Kanada, cider atau sweet cider merupakan istilah untuk jus apel yang tidak difermentasi, sedangkan jus apel yang difermentasi disebut hard cider.
Di Inggris, istilah cider selalu digunakan untuk minuman beralkohol. Akan tetapi di Australia, istilah cider dapat digunakan baik untuk produk beralkohol ataupun tidak, Hasil distilasi cider dengan proses pembekuan menghasilkan produk yang dinamakan applejack.

"Whisky" dan "bourbon"
Minuman beralkohol yang dibuat dari campuran beberapa jenis biji-bijian dikenal dengan nama whisky. Jenis-jenis whisky seperti Scotch dan Rye menunjukkan jenis biji-bijian utama yang digunakan dengan tambahan biji-bijian lain (yang paling sering adalah gandum, kadang-kadang oat). Sementara bourbon umumnya menggunakan campuran biji jagung.

Rum adalah hasil penyulingan air tebu, sirup, atau tetes (molasse)- merupakan produk samping dalam pembuatan gula— yang difermentasi S. cerevisiae. Khamir ini akan menghasilkan enzim zimase dan invertase. Enzim zimase berfungsi sebagai pemecah sukrosa menjadi monosakarida (glukosa dan fruktosa), sedangkan enzim invertase akan mengubah glukosa menjadi etanol.
Proses pembuatannya, mula-mula tetes diencerkan dengan air hingga konsentrasi gulanya menjadi 14%-18% persen. Nutrisi yang ditambahkan biasanya berupa amonium sulfat sebanyak 70-400 g/100 liter cairan tetes. Sementara sebagai sumber unsur nitrogen dapat digunakan amonia, garam amonium, asam amino, peptida, pepton, nitrat atau urea.
Pengaturan pH, menjadi 4,5-5,0, dilakukan dengan cara menambahkan asam sulfat antara 1-21/1000 liter cairan tetes.
Ke dalam cairan tetes selanjutnya diinokulasikan biakan khamir sebanyak 5%-8% volume. Lama fermentasi berkisar 30-72 jam, sementara suhu optimumnya berkisar antara 32 -330 derajat Celsius.

Vodka dan gin
Dua jenis distilled beverages yang paling umum adalah vodka dan gin. Karakteristik vodka yang utama adalah dilakukannya proses distilasi terhadap hasil fermentasi berbagai jenis bahan, di mana biji-bijian dan kentang merupakan sumber yang paling umum, secara tuntas hingga aroma bahan asal tidak tersisa sama sekali.
Sementara gin merupakan hasil distilasi seperti vodka yang diberi flavor dengan cara menambahkan herba ataupun jenis-jenis tumbuhan lain khususnya juniper berries. Nama gin sendiri berasal dari nama minuman genever yang berasal dari Belanda yang berarti juniper.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Bartender of the Year Awards Competition
1. Contest Description
2. Eligibility
AMERICA, VOID WHERE PROHIBITED OR RESTRICTED BY LAW. To be eligible, a contestant (“Contestant”) must be
employed as a bartender by a commercial bar or food service establishment on the date of entry, must have a valid passport, and
must be willing and able to travel outside the United States by air. Neither members of the judging panel, nor employees, offcers,
or directors of Sponsor (defned below), its subsidiaries and affliated companies, and their immediate families and those living
in their households are eligible to enter the Contest. If the Contestant is entering as part of a company or on behalf of his/her
employer, these rules (“Offcial Rules”) are binding on the Contestant, individually, and on his/her employer. If the Contestant
would be acting within the scope of his/her employment, as an employee, contractor, or agent of another party, then by his/her
participation the Contestant warrants that such party has full knowledge of his/her actions and has consented thereto, including
his/her potential receipt of a prize. By participating in the Contest, Contestant warrants that his/her actions do not violate his/
her employer’s or company’s policies and procedures.
3. How to Enter
To enter the Contest, submit a complete application (“Application”) Online, which must contain (i) one (1) original cocktail
recipe (“Recipe”); and (ii) the Contestant’s name, date of birth (on date of entry), residence address, employer’s name and
address, employment position, e-mail address, and a selection of one of the following regional cities (“Regional City”) in which
the Contestant’s Application would compete if selected for Round II of the Contest: in New York, Boston, Miami, Chicago, San
Francisco and Los Angeles. The Application must be submitted Online no later than October 15th, 2008. The Recipe must be an
original cocktail recipe created by the Contestant. In creating the Recipe the Contestant must use Domaine de Canton “Ginger
Extraordinaire” as the primary spirit to prepare a cocktail. The Recipe must use Domaine de Canton as it was intended, as the
base or co-base of the cocktail. Each Recipe must yield one (1) serving, and must include a detailed description of all ingredients
used, quantities or proportions of said ingredients, techniques used to prepare the cocktail, presentation and glassware.
LIMIT ONE (1) APPLICATION PER PERSON. Subsequent entries will be disqualifed. The Application, including the
Recipe, must be submitted in English. Applications that are in any other language will not be considered. All Applications
become the property of Sponsor at the time of submission and will not be returned or acknowledged. Entries are void if they
are in whole or part illegible, incomplete, altered, counterfeit, manipulated, obtained through fraud or lost, late or misdirected,
whether or not within Sponsor’s control.
4. Privacy
To enter the Contest, each Contestant must provide certain personal information in order for Sponsor to process his/her
Application. By submitting his/her Application, the Contestant consents to the use of his/her personal information by Sponsor,
and agrees to be bound by Sponsor’s privacy policy.
5. Sponsor
Domaine de Canton, (“Sponsor”), located at 270 Lafayette Street, New York, NY 10012, is the sponsor of the Contest.2009 D OMAINE D E CA NTON
Bartender of the Year Awards Competition
6. Judging
The Contest is divided into three (3) rounds of judging: Round I, Initial Entries; Round II, Regional Cities; and Round III, Finals
in French Saint Martin. Round I will be judged by the Sponsor. Round II will be judged by four industry experts. Round III will
be judged by a panel selected by the Sponsor (Sponsor and judging panel are collectively referred to herein as the “Judges”).
The Judges’ decisions are fnal with respect to all aspects of the Contest. Recipes will be judged on the basis of favor, originality,
creative use of Domaine de Canton, presentation, technique and style. The judging will take place following the end of the
Term. Each entry will be evaluated by the Judges based on the following criteria:
Creative use of Domaine de Canton:
In the event of an overall tie, the Recipe that received the highest score from the Judges in the category of “Flavor” will be
selected as the winner. In the event of a tie in the “Flavor” category, the winner will be selected based on the higher score from
the Judges in the category of “Originality.”
Round I – Initial Entries: Ten (10) Round 1 winners for each Regional City designated on the Application with the highest
scores will be selected to participate in Round II (described below). The winners of Round I will be notifed by e-mail on or
about October 15th, 2008. Round I winners are responsible for providing their own transportation to and lodging in Round II
Regional Competition Cities.
Round II – Regional Cities: Competitors will be selected to compete in participating Regional Cities designated on the
Application. The Competitor with the highest score will be selected to participate in Round III (“Finals”). The Round II
Finalists will be notifed by e-mail on or about November 15th, 2008. In order for a Finalist from Round II to participate in the
Finals, he/she must travel to Saint Martin, where Round III of the Contest will be held. Each Round II Finalist will be hired as
a consultant and compensated with airfare and three nights lodging in St. Martin. Should a Finalist from Round II be unable to
travel to Saint Martin for the Finals, then said Finalist will be disqualifed and a new Finalist will be selected from the remaining
eligible Contestants. Competitors must bring all the tools and ingredients (except Domaine de Canton) needed to create their
signature cocktail. Competitors will prepare one cocktail for each Judge (four total), one cocktail specifcally for photo purposes,
and have enough batched to serve samples to approximately 100 guests. Glassware will be provided, but competitors are welcome
to bring their own if they prefer.
Round III – Finals in Saint Martin: The Finals will be held in Saint Martin on or about February 28th, 2009. The winners
of Round II will be required to mix his/her Recipe live before the Judges, who will evaluate and score each Contestant’s entry
and performance based on the criteria described above. The Contestant with the highest score will be the grand prize winner
of the Contest. The winner of Round III will be notifed the day of the Finals. Winners will be notifed by e-mail at the e-mail
address provided with the Application. If the e-mail notifcation is returned as undeliverable, the winner will be disqualifed and
an alternate winner will be selected based on the criteria for the selection of the winners described herein.
7. Prize
CONTESTANTS. Sponsor will award the 2009 DOMAINE DE CANTON BARTENDER OF YEAR AWARD and the grand
prize of $10,000 (USD) (“Grand Prize”) to one (1) Contestant. Round 1 Finalists are responsible for their own transportation
to and lodging in the Regional Competition City they compete in. Each Round II Finalist will be hired as a consultant and 2009 D OMAINE D E CA NTON
Bartender of the Year Awards Competition
receive compensation consisting of: (i) round-trip airfare (coach) for the Contestant to travel from a major airport (to be chosen
by Sponsor) close to the Contestant’s residence to Saint Martin; (ii) double-occupancy hotel accommodation with another
Contestant for three (3) nights in Saint Martin; (iii) shuttle bus transportation to and from the airport in Saint Martin to the
hotel; and (iv) access to all Sponsor’s hosted sessions, meals, and special events. Round II Finalists are responsible for any
other expenses including cost to obtain a passport or visa to travel to and from the United States to Saint Martin, and any other
incidental travel cost not expressly stated above, including but not limited to, U.S. ground transportation, passenger tariffs or
duties, surcharges, currency exchange fees and rates, airport fees, service charges or transportation, passenger tariffs or duties,
surcharges, currency exchange fees and rates, airport fees, service charges or facility charges, personal charges at lodging, security
fees, taxes or other travel related expenses. The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the Grand Prize is $10,000 (USD). The
ARV of each Round I Gift is 0(USD), this is just qualifying you to move on to the next round. Round I winners must provide
their own transportation to the Regional Competition City. Round II winners are responsible for all required travel documents,
including passports and/or visa requirements. Winners are responsible for obtaining all forms of insurance, including but not
limited to travel insurance, and acknowledge that Sponsor has no obligation to obtain or provide travel insurance or any other
form of insurance. No substitution, cash substitution, or assignment or transfer of the prizes is permitted, except by Sponsor for
reason of unavailability, in which case a prize of equal or greater value will be awarded at the discretion of the Sponsor. Prizes
consist of only those items specifcally listed in this Section.
8. Conditions of Participation
By entering the Contest, Contestant agrees to be bound by the terms of these Offcial Rules and confrms that he/she meets all
eligibility requirements listed herein. Contestant agrees that all federal, state and local laws and regulations apply. By submitting
an Application for the Contest, the Contestant agrees that these Offcial Rules and the decisions of Sponsor and Judges are fnal
and binding on all matters pertaining to this Contest. Entrants warrant full ownership of Recipe entry and that Recipe entry does
not violate rights of any other party.
9. License
By submitting his/her Application, Contestant grants Sponsor and its successors, affliates and assigns an irrevocable, worldwide,
royalty-free, exclusive and perpetual license to use, reproduce, distribute, translate, publicly perform, publicly display and create
a derivative work from the Recipe that Contestant submits when entering this Contest. Contestant also agrees to allow Sponsor
to publish his/her name in association with the Recipe. In addition, before being declared a winner, each potential winner may
be required to sign an assignment of copyright and trademark in favor of Sponsor. Contestant agrees to execute any further
documents as necessary to effectuate the preceding license. Also, by submitting his/her Application Contestant gives Sponsor
permission to use his/her name, image, Application, and Recipe for marketing and publicity purposes and any other commercial
10. Disclaimer and Release of Liability
Sponsor is not responsible for any typographical or other error in the printing of these Offcial Rules, administration of the
Contest, or in the announcement of the prizes. If, in Sponsor’s opinion, there is any suspected or actual evidence of tampering
with any portion of the Contest, or if technical diffculties compromise the integrity of the Contest, the Sponsor reserves the
right, in its sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. Any attempt to deliberately damage the content
or operation of this Contest is unlawful and subject to legal action by Sponsor or its agents. Contestants may be prohibited from
participating in this Contest if Sponsor, in its sole discretion, reasonably believes that a Contestant has attempted to undermine
the legitimate operation of the Contest by cheating, deception, or other unfair playing practices, or annoys, abuses, threatens, or
harasses any other Contestants, Sponsor, or associated agencies. By entering the Contest, the Contestant agrees to hold harmless
and releases Sponsor, its affliates, assigns, its employees, agents and offcers, advertising and promotion agencies, licensees,
the Judges, as well as all others associated with the development and execution of this Contest, from and against any and all
liability, whether arising out of contract, tort, or statute, with respect to or in any way relating to the Contest, the awarding and
use of the prizes, or relating to the use, modifcation, or publication of the Recipe submitted by the Contestant and release all
claims relating to the Recipe, including any claims relating to intellectual property or copyright relating to the Recipe, trademark 2009 D OMAINE D E CA NTON
Bartender of the Year Awards Competition
claims and any claims relating to rights of publicity or trade secrets. Sponsor assumes no responsibility for any error, omission,
interruption, deletion, defect, or delay in operation or transmission; communications line failure; theft or destruction of or
unauthorized access to Contest entries or entry forms; or alteration of entries or entry forms. Sponsor is not responsible for
lost, misdirected or incomplete mail.
11. Governing Law
This Contest and Offcial Rules shall be governed and interpreted by the laws of the State of Florida, without regard to its
confict of law provisions.
12. List of Winners
The names of the winners will be posted online at on or about November 15th, 2009. The
DOMAINE DE CANTON marks, bottle and label, and designs are registered trademarks and service marks exclusively of

Monday, July 5, 2010

Minuman beralkohol 1
Minuman beralkohol
Sebotol cachaça, minuman beralkohol dari Brasil.
Minuman beralkohol adalah minuman yang mengandung etanol.
Etanol adalah bahan psikoaktif dan konsumsinya menyebabkan
penurunan kesadaran. Di berbagai negara, penjualan minuman
beralkohol dibatasi ke sejumlah kalangan saja, umumnya
orang-orang yang telah melewati batas usia tertentu.
Efek samping
Bila dikonsumsi berlebihan, minuman beralkohol dapat
menimbulkan ganggguan mental organik (GMO), yaitu gangguan
dalam fungsi berpikir, merasakan, dan berprilaku. Timbulnya
GMO itu disebabkan reaksi langsung alkohol pada sel-sel saraf
pusat. Karena sifat adiktif alkohol itu, orang yang meminumnya lama-kelamaan tanpa sadar akan menambah
takaran/dosis sampai pada dosis keracunan atau mabuk.
Mereka yang terkena GMO biasanya mengalami perubahan perilaku, seperti misalnya ingin berkelahi atau
melakukan tindakan kekerasan lainnya, tidak mampu menilai realitas, terganggu fungsi sosialnya, dan terganggu
pekerjaannya. Perubahan fisiologis juga terjadi, seperti cara berjalan yang tidak mantap, muka merah, atau mata
juling. Perubahan psikologis yang dialami oleh konsumen misalnya mudah tersinggung, bicara ngawur, atau
kehilangan konsentrasi.
Mereka yang sudah ketagihan biasanya mengalami suatu gejala yang disebut sindrom putus alkohol, yaitu rasa takut
diberhentikan minum alkohol. Mereka akan sering gemetar dan jantung berdebar-debar, cemas, gelisah, murung, dan
banyak berhalusinasi.
Perijinan Minuman Beralkohol
Di Indonesia, minuman beralkohol yang diimpor diawasi peredarannya oleh negara. Dalam hal ini diamanatkan
kepada Direktorat Jenderal Bea dan Cukai (DJBC), Departemen Keuangan. Dalam istilah Kepabeanan dan Cukai;
minuman beralkohol disebut sebagai MMEA (Minuman Mengandung Ethyl Alkohol). Impor/ pemasukan MMEA
dari luar negeri dilakukan khusus oleh importir khusus. Di samping MMEA Impor, Bea Cukai juga memiliki
kewenangan untuk mengontrol secara penuh pendirian pabrik MMEA dalam negeri. Setiap badan usaha yang hendak
memproduksi MMEA, maka ia wajib memiliki NPPBKC (Nomor Pokok Pengusaha Barang Kena Cukai).
Jenis minuman beralkohol
• Anggur
• Bir
• Bourbon
• Brendi
• Brugal
• Caipirinha
• Chianti
• Jägermeister
• Mirin
• Prosecco
• RumMinuman beralkohol 2
• Sake
• Sampanye
• Shōchū
• Tuak
• Vodka
• Wiski
Pranala Luar
Perijinan Pabrik MMEA:
Artikel mengenai makanan dan minuman ini adalah suatu tulisan rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia beralkohol
[1] http:/ / www. beacukai-kediri. com
[2] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ :MinumanArticle Sources and Contributors 3
Article Sources and Contributors
Minuman beralkohol  Source:  Contributors: *drew, Aldo samulo, Bckediri, Bennylin, BlackKnight, Gombang, Hayabusa future, Piawai,
Vargenau, 4 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Berkas:CachacaDivininha.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: User:Abu badali
Berkas:foodlogo.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Pumbaa80, Seahen
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

Pelajaran Jadi Jartender

Memang mudah ,kalau anda bisa .pasti susah bila anda tidak bisa atau tidak tahu
belajar sendiri untuk bartender memang tidak secepat belajar dengan guru.
kenapa sya bilang begitu ,belajar dengan guru itu lebih cepat,jika anda punya masalah yang akan ditanya pun akan cepat mendapat jawaban . dan sudah tentu anda akan bertanya -tanya dalam hati untuk mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan anda jika anda tidak tahu,
maka dari itu saya coba membuat blog ini .
pengalaman saya di cruise line. selama 8 tahun ,sekarang saya di florida sebagai bartender di sebuah restourant di florida.
nah kalau anda yanbg tertarik ingin jadi bartender mari kita sama sama belajar bagi anda yang sudah profesional mari kita bertukar ilmu bartender,,ok..

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Anggur (minuman) 1
Anggur (minuman)
Segelas anggur merah
Anggur (atau juga populer disebut dalam bahasa Inggris: wine) adalah
minuman beralkohol yang dibuat dari sari anggur jenis Vitis vinifera yang
biasanya hanya tumbuh di area 30 hingga 50 derajat lintang utara dan
selatan. Minuman beralkohol yang dibuat dari sari buah lain yang kadar
alkoholnya berkisar di antara 8% hingga 15% biasanya disebut sebagai
wine buah (fruit wine).
Anggur dibuat melalui fermentasi gula yang ada di dalam buah anggur. Ada
beberapa jenis minuman anggur yaitu, Red Wine, White Wine, Rose Wine,
Sparkling Wine, Sweet Wine, dan Fortified Wine:
• Red Wine adalah wine yang dibuat dari anggur merah (red grapes).
Beberapa jenis anggur merah yang terkenal di kalangan peminum wine
di Indonesia adalah merlot, cabernet sauvignon, syrah/shiraz, dan pinot
• White Wine adalah wine yang dibuat dari anggur putih (white grape).
Beberapa jenis anggur hijau yang terkenal di kalangan peminum wine di
Indonesia adalah chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, semillon, riesling, dan
chenin blanc.
• Rose Wine adalah wine yang berwarna merah muda atau merah jambu
yang dibuat dari anggur merah namun dengan proses ekstraksi warna
yang lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan proses pembuatan Red Wine. Di
daerah Champagne, kata Rose Wine mengacu pada campuran antara White Wine dan Red Wine.
• Sparkling Wine adalah wine yang mengandung cukup banyak gelembung karbon dioksida di dalamnya.
Sparkling Wine yang paling terkenal adalah Champagne dari Prancis. Hanya Sparkling Wine yang dibuat dari
anggur yang tumbuh di desa Champagne dan diproduksi di desa Champagne yang boleh disebut dan diberi label
• Sweet Wine adalah wine yang masih banyak mengandung gula sisa hasil fermentasi (residual sugar) sehingga
membuat rasanya menjadi manis.
• Fortified Wine adalah wine yang mengandung alkohol lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan wine biasa (antara 15%
hingga 20.5%). Kadar alkohol yang tinggi ini adalah hasil dari penambahan spirit pada proses pembuatannya.
Manusia telah membuat minuman anggur sejak sekitar lima ribu tahun yang lalu.
Anggur adalah minuman yang populer di banyak negara. Negara-negara yang penduduknya meminum anggur paling
banyak (menggunakan data tahun 2000) adalah: Perancis, Italia, Amerika Serikat, Jerman, Spanyol, Argentina,
Britania Raya, Republik Rakyat Cina, Rusia, dan Rumania.
Jika tolok ukur yang digunakan adalah angka per orang atau per kapita, daftar tersebut menjadi: Luxemburg,
Perancis, Italia, Portugal, Kroasia, Swiss, Spanyol, Argentina, Uruguay, dan Slovenia.
Anggur dibuat di banyak negara. Negara-negara yang membuat anggur terbanyak (menggunakan data tahun 2000)
adalah: Perancis, Italia, Spanyol, Amerika Serikat, Argentina, Jerman, Australia, Afrika Selatan, Portugal, dan Chili.
Satu-satunya wine buatan Indonesia yang dibuat dari anggur lokal adalah Hatten Wines dengan merk dagang
TWOislands.Anggur (minuman) 2
Lihat pula
• Wilayah anggur Bordeaux
• Anggur Bordeaux Klasifikasi resmi dari tahun 1855
Pranala luar
• (id) Kumpulan Artikel Wine Yohan Handoyo
• (id) Hatten Wines, Wine produksi Indonesia
• (en) (fr) Taste of red wines
• (en) (fr) Wine storage
• (en) (fr) Wine vintages, vintage charts
• (en) Wine Review
Artikel mengenai makanan dan minuman ini adalah suatu tulisan rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia (minuman)
mwl:BinoAnggur (minuman) 3
[1] http:/ / www. yohanhandoyo. com
[2] http:/ / www. hattenwines. com
[3] http:/ / www. frenchscout. com/ types-of-red-wines
[4] http:/ / www. frenchscout. com/ wine-storage
[5] http:/ / www. frenchscout. com/ wine-vintages
[6] http:/ / www. winemag. us
[7] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ :AnggurArticle Sources and Contributors 4
Article Sources and Contributors
Anggur (minuman)  Source:  Contributors: *drew, Andri.h, Barfoos, Bennylin, Borgx, GilliamJF, Guidale, Hayabusa future, Kembangraps,
Login, Omdo, Pras68, R3ndy, REX, Roscoe x, 19 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Berkas:Red Wine Glas.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5  Contributors: user:Aka
Berkas:Port wine.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Jon Sullivan
Berkas:foodlogo.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: -
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

The Colostrum Cocktail Recipe

Cocktail Recipe
The Flying Basset Organics
The 100% Pure Colostrum
Cocktail Recipe
The 100% Pure Colostrum Cocktail is a combination of
products that build the immune system by providing all the
supplements necessary to help digest, absorb, assimilate
and utilize nutrients, so the body can restore itself to a
healthy state.
The Ingredients Are:
100% Pure Colostrum, which is the frst food that comes from
the mammary glands right after birth and before the milk
comes in. It is full of immunoglobulins, the immune builders.
Digestive Enzyme Complex, digestive enzymes, providing
the necessary nutrients to break down all the other nutrients.
Enzymes also eat the sheath of cancer cells and destroy dead
cancer cells, so in the case of cancer it is suggested to double
the amount of enzymes given.
PC CoQ10, a high-potency antioxidant with a myriad of
helpful assets, two of them being that it balances the pH
of the system, and it converts free radicals into water that is
absorbed at the cellular level.3
The 100% Pure Colostrum
Cocktail Recipe
Crystal Energy, is a sister product to PC CoQ10 that lowers
the surface tension of water and in turn helps the body to
absorb and utilize water more effectively. This is extremely
important for the animal especially when it is known
they are dehydrated.
EFA Oil, is a combination of essential fatty acids containing
omega 3s, 6s and 9s, very benefcial for healing, especially
the omega 3s. This is another must have product for
animals with cancer.4
The 100% Pure Colostrum
Cocktail Recipe
The recipe for a 15-pound or under cat / dog / kitten / puppy:
100% Pure Colostrum powder: 1/2 teaspoon
Digestive Enzyme Complex powder: 1/4 teaspoon
PC CoQ10 (antioxidant) capsule: 1/4capsule
Crystal Energy (water catalyst) liquid: 1 squirt
EFA Oil (essential fatty acids) oil: 1 teaspoon
The recipe for dogs/cats/puppies from 15 to 40 pounds:
100% Pure Colostrum powder: 1 teaspoon
Digestive Enzymes Complex powder: 1/2 teaspoon
PC CoQ10 (antioxidant) capsule: 1/2capsule
Crystal Energy (water catalyst) liquid: 1 squirt
EFA Oil (essential fatty acids) oil: 2 teaspoons
The recipe for dogs from 40 to 60 pounds:
100% Pure Colostrum powder: 1 ½ teaspoons
Digestive Enzymes Complex powder: 3/4 teaspoon
PC CoQ10 (antioxidant) capsule: 1 capsule
Crystal Energy (water catalyst) liquid: 1 squirt
EFA Oil (essential fatty acids) oil: 1 tablespoon5
The 100% Pure Colostrum
Cocktail Recipe
The recipe for dogs over 60 pounds:
100% Pure Colostrum powder: 2 teaspoons
Digestive Enzyme Complex powder: 1 teaspoon
PC CoQ10 (antioxidant) capsule: 1 capsule
Crystal Energy (water catalyst) liquid: 1 squirt
EFA Oil (essential fatty acids) oil: 2 teaspoon6
The 100% Pure Colostrum
Cocktail Recipe
Open the PC CoQ10 capsule; mix this powder with the 100%
Prue Colostrum and Digestive Enzyme Complex powders;
add the Crystal Energy; add the EFA Oil oil; mix all the
ingredients thoroughly so all the powders are absorbed in
the oil; then offer the Colostrum Cocktail on a plate as a
treat and most of the time the animal will lick it up because
it tastes great.
If not, then give with a spoon, a syringe or even on the end of
your fnger if necessary. Sometimes adding a little butter will
make the animal more interested in it and give it some
viscosity if you need to give it on your fnger.
The Colostrum Cocktail should be given on an empty
stomach…about 15-30 minutes before feeding. Depending
on the severity of the problem it can be given from one to four
times daily…or if the animal is not eating at all it can be given
more often. It will also help to stimulate the appetite.7
The 100% Pure Colostrum
Cocktail Recipe
It should be made up fresh each time it is given. It is most
effective within the frst 20 minutes after preparation.
If your animal is really debilitated, lethargic or not eating at all,
then start by giving the Colostrum Cocktail in a very
diluted form. Add enough purifed water that it will go through
a syringe easily and give one full recipe. Then within 30 to 60
minutes make up another recipe and give it. This should be
repeated as often as necessary throughout the day and night.
If your animal has cancer, double the amount of Digestive
Enzymes Complex in each recipe, because digestive enzymes
eat the sheath of cancer cells and eat dead cancer cells which
will speed the healing of the abnormal cancer cells.8
To Order Call
The Flying Basset
Sampanye 1


Sampanye adalah minuman anggur putih bergelembung yang dihasilkan di kawasan Champagne di Perancis, sekitar 90 kilometer di timur laut Paris. Reims adalah salah satu wilayah penghasil sampanye yang terkenal. Umumnya terbuat dari anggur pinot noir, sampanye yang berkualitas bagus mempunyai warna kekuningan. Sampanye biasanya hanya diminum pada acara-acara khusus seperti perayaan tahun baru dan sering pula terlihat pada perayaan kemenangan kejuaraan olahraga seperti Formula 1, di mana sang pemenang di podium membuka sebotol sampanye dan menyemprotkan isinya.

Pranala luar

• (id) Tentang Sampanye, tulisan Bondan Winarno [1]

Segelas sampanye

Artikel mengenai makanan dan minuman ini adalah suatu tulisan rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia mengembangkannya [2].



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Saturday, July 3, 2010


Caipirinha 1
Caipirinha adalah minuman beralkohol jenis koktail yang berasal dari
Brasil. Dibuat dari Cachaça, jeruk limau, gula dan es batu, Caipirinha
harus dibuat gelas per gelas karena kandungannya sangat tidak teratur
sehingga bila dibuat dalam pitcher sulit untuk dibagi-bagi ke dalam
gelas. Jeruk limau dibelah (boleh juga dikupas sedikit), ditambah 1-2
sendok teh gula pasir putih, ditumbuk dengan tumbukan dari kayu
untuk mengeluarkan sari buah, kemudian ditambah 20-50 ml Cachaça
dan es batu yang dihancurkan. Aduk sampai rata dan nikmati dengan
sedotan. Di Brasil biasanya dihidangkan di rumah makan dan di
pinggir pantai. Orang Brasil biasanya menggemari es batu utuh
daripada yang dihancurkan.
Karena Caipirinha sekarang terkenal di seluruh dunia, banyak variasi
muncul dengan gula hitam, atau pemanis buatan (untuk penderita
penyakit gula), atau dengan buah-buahan lain. Cachaça juga kadang
diganti dengan vodka (Caipiroska, Caipirovka, Caipivodka) atau rum
(Caipirissima). Caipirinha dengan sake juga ada.
Caipirinha sebenarnya adalah salah satu jenis dari minuman Brasil yang disebut "batida", yaitu cocktail dengan
cachaça dan buah. Karena itu jeruk limau dapat diganti dengan buah-buahan lain untuk menghasilkan minuman yang
nikmat. Yang lazim adalah batida strawberry, passionfruit dan kelapa.
Pranala luar
• (en) Cara pembuatan Caipirinha berikut foto
• (en) Resep Caipirinha
Artikel mengenai makanan dan minuman ini adalah suatu tulisan rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia
[1] http:/ / www. lithic. org/ aaron/ caipirinha/ caipirinha. html
[2] http:/ / www. cachacagabriela. com. br/ english/ index. php?id=receita_eng. php
[3] http:/ / en. wikipedia. org/ wiki/ :CaipirinhaArticle Sources and Contributors 2
Article Sources and Contributors
Caipirinha  Source:  Contributors: Barfoos, Bennylin, Midori, 5 anonymous edits
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Berkas:Cocktail Caipirinha raw.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.0
 Contributors: User:VisualBeo
Berkas:foodlogo.svg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Pumbaa80, Seahen
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

Friday, July 2, 2010



Training Manual Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 1 8/01/2005
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................3
ALCOHOL AWARENESS...................................................................................................................................4
SANITATION ....................................................................................................................................................6
THE GUEST ...................................................................................................................................................15
PERSONAL APPEARANCE..............................................................................................................................18
SUGGESTIVE SELLING ..................................................................................................................................19
THE GREETING.............................................................................................................................................21
TAKING THE ORDER.....................................................................................................................................21
REGISTER OPERATIONS ...............................................................................................................................23
BAR STATION SETUP.....................................................................................................................................24
The Well.................................................................................................................................................24
BACK STATION SETUP ..................................................................................................................................25
Hot Drink Station...................................................................................................................................25
ORDERING PROCEDURES..............................................................................................................................26
Serving Order.........................................................................................................................................26
Service System.......................................................................................................................................27
PREPARING DRINK ORDERS.........................................................................................................................28
Delivering and Serving Drinks...............................................................................................................28
SERVICE TIME ..............................................................................................................................................30
LIQUOR LAWS...............................................................................................................................................31
SERVICE WELL .............................................................................................................................................32
Drink Basics...........................................................................................................................................33
STANDARDIZATION OF BEVERAGE ORDERS ................................................................................................35
Preparing Drinks....................................................................................................................................35
DRINK MAKING TECHNIQUES......................................................................................................................40 Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 2 8/01/2005
GARNISHES ...................................................................................................................................................45
CLOSING OUT A TABLE ................................................................................................................................47
Presenting the Check..............................................................................................................................47
The Farewell...........................................................................................................................................48
Methods of Payment...............................................................................................................................48
OPENING, RUNNING, CLOSING DUTIES........................................................................................................49
BAR CLEANLINESS........................................................................................................................................50
END OF SHIFT RESPONSIBILITIES ................................................................................................................51
BARTENDER SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................................53
CHECK-OUT PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................................54
Over Rings or Voids...............................................................................................................................54
House Promo..........................................................................................................................................55
Manager Promo......................................................................................................................................55
Employee Discount/Customer Discount................................................................................................55
TIP POOL.......................................................................................................................................................57
PERFORMANCE STANDARDS.........................................................................................................................58
FRONT OF THE HOUSE PROCEDURES...........................................................................................................62
CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................................63 Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 3 8/01/2005
Congratulations on your employment as a bartender at [Restaurant Name]! We will
provide you with the training you need to be successful. As a bartender you'll be an
important part of each guest's experience in our restaurant. We take great pride in our
quality beverages and friendly, responsive service. Our high standards can only be
maintained through great people like you who share our values and desire to do the very
best job possible for our guests every day.
The guidelines listed on the following pages have been established to help you in your
effort to provide these qualities to our guests. Along with the hands-on training you will
receive, this manual will provide answers to questions you may have regarding the
operating procedures for [Restaurant Name].
Once again, welcome to the [Restaurant Name] Team! Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 4 8/01/2005
Alcohol Awareness
Alcohol Awareness is a growing concern within the Hospitality
Industry nationwide. By recognizing the "early" signs of intoxication,
monitoring your customer's consumption, and treating them as you
would a guest in your own home; you fulfill your responsibility and
protect the guest.
To serve or not to serve?
By understanding and fulfilling your responsibilities...
Your Role:

Assisted by the guidance and support of management...
Your Manager's Role:
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 5 8/01/2005
With adherence to the company's policies...
1. We will not knowingly admit obviously intoxicated for underage
customers to the bar.
2. We will not knowingly serve alcohol to an obviously intoxicated or
underage customer.
3. We will offer alternatives to alcohol.
4. We will create an atmosphere to promote responsible drinking.
5. We will make a reasonable attempt to prevent obviously intoxicated
customers from driving.
. . . We can accurately and confidently answer that very important
Responsible service of alcohol requires a team effort.
Know and watch for the signs of intoxication. If there is any
question, avoid further service and report to a manager who will
make the final decision and determine whether the guest should
remain or leave.
If you know what it takes to get someone drunk, you can prevent it
by monitoring their consumption and offering alternatives.
Do not allow drunks to come in, and do not allow intoxicated
guests to drive.
Hospitality is our business. Beverage service is only one element.
Cooperation between employees and management allows us to
exercise a degree of influence on the behavior of our customers
that will result in an atmosphere of responsible drinking.
This is just a portion of our company Alcohol Awareness program.
A complete handbook with certification test is provided at
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 6 8/01/2005
The responsibility of management and staff to protect the public from
food borne illness is fundamental. A food borne illness is simply a
disease that is carried, or transmitted, to human beings by food.
Throughout your training, you will receive information concerning
proper temperatures of food storage and serving, as well as, cleanliness
standards, proper use of chemical cleaning, and disinfectant products. It
is our objective to operate the restaurant at the highest level of
cleanliness and sanitation for the benefit of our customers and

In addition to a clean and sanitary environment, [Restaurant Name]
provides a safe environment. One of our goals here at [Restaurant
Name] is to operate an accident-free restaurant. A safe restaurant takes
teamwork and effort on everyone's part. Everyone who works with
cleaning chemicals will receive training on the use of those products,
and will be tested following the guidelines of OSHA Hazard
Communication Standard, Title 29 Code of Federal regulations
Safety meetings will also be used to review information presented from
the initial training, and a safety representative will be selected for the
Employee Associate Board of Directors. Management's role is to
provide the daily monitoring of safe work practice developed from
these meetings.
Whenever you see a potential hazard, or something you notice as
unsafe, notify a manager immediately.
Here is a list of guidelines to follow for safety and sanitation:
Major cause of food borne illness -
Food left in the danger zone of 40° to 140° for four or more hours.
Keep all foods out of the danger zone of 40° to 140°. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 7 8/01/2005
Keep hot foods hot, and cold foods cold.
Handle foods quickly during delivery, and put refrigerated and
frozen foods away as soon as possible.
Sloppy personal hygiene habits will not be tolerated.
Do not prepare food a day or more before serving.
Do not serve food that is not completely cooked.
Thaw foods in refrigerator, microwave, or under cold running
water for not more than 2 hours, followed immediately by cooking.
Avoid preparing food in advance, unless absolutely necessary.
Inspect Foods thoroughly for freshness and wholesomeness upon
receipt, cooking, and serving.
Only use sanitized equipment and table surfaces.

Always wash your hands after you -
Smoke, eat, use the restroom; touch money, raw foods, or your
face, hair or skin; cough, sneeze, or blow your nose
Comb your hair, handle anything dirty
Before and after taking a break

Dispose of waste properly -
Take garbage out frequently.
Keep garbage areas clean and sealed.
Clean and sanitize garbage cans regularly.
Store soiled linen in a laundry bag or non-absorbing container.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 8 8/01/2005
Keep insects and animals out by -
Keeping doors closed.
Taking garbage out frequently and keeping garbage areas clean.
Report any holes where an animal can enter.
Do not provide a free meal for any animals.

Handle ice and tableware properly -
Use clean scoops or tongs to pick up ice; do not use hands or glass.
Store scoops or tongs in a clean container, not in the ice.
Do not store any food or beverage in the ice.
Avoid touching food contact surface with dishes, utensils, etc.

Avoid cross contamination from one food item to another -
Keep separate cutting boards for raw and cooked foods.
Never mix leftovers with fresh food.
Store fresh raw meats, poultry, and fish on lowest racks.
Sanitize thermometers after each use.
When thawing raw foods in the refrigerator, place them on the
lowest shelf.

Store foods and equipment properly -
Cover, label, and date foods in storage.
Do not store food in open cans.
Store new foods behind old ones.
Store food off the floor and away from the wall. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 9 8/01/2005
Check temperatures of refrigerators and freezers daily.
Defrost freezers as necessary. Frost build up causes freezers to
warm up.
Dry goods and storage areas should be cool and dry for good
Do not store food or equipment under exposed server lines.
Keep storage areas clean.
Store all equipment so that dust cannot settle on it.
Store chemicals and pesticides separately from food.
When cleaning stationary equipment -
Unplug equipment, and make sure hands are dry.
Wash removable parts in dish machine, or three-compartment sink.
Wash and rinse stationary parts.
Sanitize food contact surfaces with sanitizer.
Air dry before reassembling, without touching food contact

Preventing falls -
Wipe up spills immediately.
Use "wet floor" signs.
Wear shoes with non-skid soles and heels.
Keep isles and stairs clear.
Walk, and do not run.
Follow established traffic patterns. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 10 8/01/2005
Do not carry anything that blocks your vision.
Keep drawers closed.
Use ladders properly; never use chairs, tables or boxes. Do not
stand on top of ladder, and do not over reach.
Use handrails on stairs.
Turn lights on to see.
Never run in the kitchen. The floor may be wet.
Never leave anything on the floor including ice from the ice

Preventing electric shock -
Never touch electrical equipment with wet hands, or while
standing in water.
Unplug equipment before cleaning or disassembling, to avoid
Do not yank plugs out by cord. This can cause damage to the
cords, which may then cause shocks.
Report damaged and worn plugs and cords to your supervisor.

Lift Properly -
Plan it. Do you need help? Could you use a cart? Where is it
going? Which route is best?
Get ready. Spread feet apart, shoulder width. Put one food slightly
in front of the other for a good support base. Squat down with back
straight and head up. Do not bend over from the waist! Grip the
object firmly with both hands. Keep elbows and arms close to
body. Tuck in chin. If lifting a tray, squat down alongside the tray
and slide the tray onto your shoulder and hand. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 11 8/01/2005
Lift it! Straighten your knees slowly and smoothly to a stand.
Avoid doing this in a quick or jerky manner. Do not lift and twist
at the same time.
Move it! Keep object close to you. To change position, move your
feet and entire body. Do not twist from the waist. Look where you
are going and call out "coming through" as needed.
Set it down! Bend your knees slowly and smoothly. Slide load into
place; watch your fingers and toes.

Moving a cart properly:
Push rather than pull.
Spread feet wide, one in front of the other with your front knee
Keep back straight.
Slowly push into the cart with your body weight, using your leg
muscles to do much of the pushing.
Push slowly and smoothly. Avoid sudden motions or twisting your

Preventing Cuts -
Know how to operate equipment.
Pay attention when using sharp equipment. Never touch edges of
sharp blades.
Use guards when provided on equipment.
Use tampers to push food into equipment.
Turn equipment off before adjusting.
No loose sleeves, ties, or dangling jewelry should be by equipment
Use knives carefully. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 12 8/01/2005
Carry dishes and glassware carefully.
Sweep up broken glass; do not use your hands.
Use special container to dispose of broken glass, dishes, and other
sharp objects.
Remove can lids entirely from cans, then dispose of them.

Preventing burns -
Pay attention when working around hot equipment.
Use dry potholders or towels when handling hot equipment. Wet or
moist towels will serve as conductors of heat.
Keep pot handles turned in from the edge of the range and open
Avoid overfilling containers with hot foods.
Get help lifting heavy pots of hot foods.
Open lids of pots and doors of streamers away from you, and do so
slowly, to avoid a steam burn.
Stir foods with long-handled spoons.
Warn others of hot surfaces.
Let equipment cool before cleaning, and do not use wet rags.
Do not put icy frozen foods into the fryer. Put foods slowly into the
fryer and stand back to avoid being splattered.
Strike match before turning on gas equipment, to avoid a flare-up.
Wear closed-toe and closed-heel shoes that do not absorb liquids.
Warn guest of hot dishes.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 13 8/01/2005
Preventing fires -
Smoke only where allowed.
Do not turn your back on hot fat, as it may burst into flames.
Keep equipment and hoops from grease build up because grease
causes many food service fires.
Do not set the fryer at too high a temperature.
Store matches in a covered container, away from heat.
Keep garbage in covered container, away from heat.
Store chemicals away from heat because many chemicals are

Safe chemical handling -
Do know where the material safety data sheets are posted, and read
Do read the labels of all products, before you use them.
Do follow the directions for proper storage, handling, and use for
all chemicals you use.
Do ask your supervisor any questions or concerns you may have
about using a certain products.
Do know how to call for medical help, in case of an emergency.
Do not ever mix chemicals together.
Do not store chemicals in unmarked containers.
Do not store chemicals in or close to food storage, preparation, or
serving areas.
Do not leave aerosol spray containers near heat or spray close to an
open flame. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 14 8/01/2005
Do not dispose of any empty chemical container until you have
checked on the label for how to do so.

Reading the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) -
Read product name.
Fire hazard - explains if the product can catch fire or explode.
Health hazards - explains effects of over exposure and first aid
Spill precautions explains steps to take in case of spills.
Special protection - describes any special measures, such as
goggles and rubber gloves, used to decrease exposure and risk.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 15 8/01/2005
The Guest
Never underestimate the importance of a guest!!!
A guest is not dependent upon us -- we are dependent upon him (or
A guest is NEVER an interruption of our work - he is the purpose
of it.
A guest does us a favor when he comes here -- we are not going
him a favor by serving him.
A guest is part of our business -- not an outsider.
A guest is not a cold statistic -- he is a flesh and blood human
being with feelings and emotions, like our own.
A guest is a person who brings us his wants -- it is our job to fill
those wants.
A guest is deserving of the most courteous and attentive treatment
we can give him.
A guest is the lifeblood of [Restaurant Name].

You Must Be Able To Serve Many Different Types Of Guests
To make appropriate selling suggestions, and give good service, it is
helpful to recognize and know how to handle all types of guests. For
The Timid Guest: Genuine interest and patient
understanding will put this type of guest
at ease. Even a comment on the weather
can make him feel at home.
The Aggressive Guest: This type must be handled in a
courteous and businesslike manner.
Kindness and politeness can often
change him into a steady and
appreciative customer. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 16 8/01/2005
The Fussy Guest: This is one of the hardest guests to
please. Try to stay one step ahead of
him by learning the things that irritate
him. Be sure to have everything just
right, before serving the fussy guest.
Remember all of the little things the
fussy guest especially likes, even when
they may seem peculiar to the average
The Over-Familiar Guest: Be courteous, dignified, and avoid long
conversations. Stay away from the table,
except when actual service is needed.
Never try to give a wisecrack answer to
a smart remark. You will only cheapen
yourself and lower yourself to the same
level as the rudeness of the guest.
The Guest who is Alone: Don't call attention by asking if he is
alone. Seat him where he can see what
is going on. The guest may be lonely
and want someone to talk to. Be
friendly, but don't neglect other guests.
With nobody to talk to, time seems long,
so serve as quickly as possible. This
could be your most critical guest.
The Noisy Trouble-maker: Don't be drawn into arguments. Speak
softly. Don't antagonize. Refuse to
participate in criticism of management,
the establishment, or other personnel.
The Blind Guest: Seat blind people with a dog so that the
dog will not be noticed. Never hover
over blind customers. Always stand near
enough to help if needed. Issue menus in
Braille to the blind guest. Always make
a blind customer feel appreciated and
important. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 17 8/01/2005
Guest with hand or arm
Seat as quickly as possible. Be helpful,
ask if you may assist them, but do not be
too eager. Be considerate; do not call
attention by hovering. Seat wheelchair
guests at a table on ground level do not
block an aisle. Always make a disabled
guest feel important and accommodated. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 18 8/01/2005
Personal Appearance
Your overall image is our image. You make a distinct impression on
each of our guests. The image you create can enhance or detract from
our overall concept and the way our Restaurant is perceived in the
minds of the guest. You are entrusted with handling our guests' needs
and must, therefore, reflect cleanliness and wholesomeness at all times.
Always remember . . .
You are responsible for keeping your uniform neat and clean at all
times. There is no excuse for reporting to work out of uniform.
Do not wear scented lotion on your hands, as it clings to glassware.
A smile is part of your uniform.
At no time will employees chew gum or eat while in the public
areas of our store.
Do not report to work with an un-pressed or dirty uniform, or un-
kept hair.
When you walk through the front door of the Restaurant, "YOU ARE
ON.” You will be informed of the uniform requirements when you start
with us. Your designated uniform also includes a CONTAGIOUS,
ENTHUSIASTIC ATTITUDE. You are required to enter the building
for your shift in FULL UNIFORM. You are also required, when you
leave the building, to be in FULL UNIFORM.
Your uniform also includes the following, without exception:
At least two pens
Wine Key
Bottle Opener
Smile Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 19 8/01/2005
People like
to buy, but
hate to be
Suggestive Selling
Selling is a part of everyone's life. You had to sell the [Restaurant
Name] Management Team on your ability as a bartender. Our customer
is "sold" on [Restaurant Name] before they come in. If they enjoy
themselves, chances are they will return and "sell" us to someone else.
People don't like to be "SOLD." Effective suggestive selling is subtle.
You are doing the guest a favor, looking after his best interests by
offering your knowledge and expertise and making honest
Many of our guests are not familiar with our daily specials. As their
intermediary, you are in the position to smooth the way for a confused
guest. Above all, be sincere and honest. Always do what you truly
believe is in the "guest's" best interest. Recommend items you know are
superior and you are certain they will enjoy.
NEVER OVER SELL! Always allow the guest
to finish ordering before you start suggesting.
Be aware of what the guest is ordering and
make sure he understands what he is getting.
Read your guests and suggest appropriate cocktails:
On a chilly evening, "Would you like to try a Keoke Coffee?"
To businessmen, "Would you care for a Martini or Bloody Bull?"
With party people, "How about a Long Island Iced Tea or a
An older couple, "Would you like a Manhattan or some Baileys
Irish Cream?"
You can also suggest beverages made with your guest's favorite
liquor or upsell our premium house wine to guests preferring house
wine by the glass. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 20 8/01/2005
If guests seem to be in a hurry, suggest that they eat at the bar, instead
of waiting for a table. Busy lunch shifts are a great time to greet guests
and invite them to have lunch at your bar.
Do not confuse suggestive selling with overloading your guests with
beverages or food. Your goal is a satisfied guest who enjoyed their
experience and wants to return. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 21 8/01/2005
The Greeting
Your greeting is the first impression given to the customer, so strive to
make it special. Always greet the guest with a smile, a welcome, and
your name. Demonstrate some aspect of your personality. Change it
around: using the same greeting every time sounds mechanical.
Approach your guest(s) as soon as possible. If you can't get to a new
guest within 30 seconds, be sure that you at least acknowledge them by
eye contact and verbal contact. The first thought going through a guest's
mind is, "Am I going to be waited on?" You can notice the person
visibly relax when you say, "I'll be right with you."

Taking the Order
When approaching a guest for a drink order, always place a napkin in
front of each guest. This alerts management and fellow bartenders that
the guest has been take care of. When taking orders, make a mental
note of the guest's face. Maintain eye contact when addressing guests in
order to prevent mistakes and to communicate effectively.
Never ask for a drink order in a manner, which can be answered “yes”,
or "no." You are much more than an order taker: you are a salesperson.
We expect you to sell our products and satisfy the customer's needs.
Customer satisfaction provides the opportunity to build repeat business
and establish regular clientele that, allows you to be successful.
A prerequisite of selling is the knowledge of our products and prices. If
a guest does not specify a brand of liquor, it is our policy to offer a
beverage by brand name. This technique is referred to as "up-selling."
Up-selling requires thorough knowledge of the products available in
order to be effective: i.e., the customer says, "I'll have a vodka tonic."
The bartender responds, "Would you like Absolut or Kettle One?"
A good approach to have when taking orders from a couple is to ask for
the lady's order first. Repeat the order to the customer. Ask whether the
cocktails will be paid for in cash or if the guest would like to run a tab
on a credit card. Obtain the credit card before leaving the guest to save
time. If one person does the ordering for several people, that person is Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 22 8/01/2005
usually the customer who will be paying; direct your questions to this
person. Never assume one person is paying for the entire round, or that
the same person is buying the next round. When in doubt, ASK!
Assure the guests that you will be right back with their cocktails. Check
the ashtrays and cocktail napkins for changing, if necessary.
Always thank the guest after every transaction and assure them of
your continued service: "I'll be back in a few minutes to see if you
need a refill." Always check the ashtray and table cleanliness.
Ashtrays must be capped, emptied, and wiped before being
returned in front of a customer." One cigarette butt is enough, two
is too many.” Be highly attentive to this motto.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 23 8/01/2005
Register Operations
You will receive training on our computerized register system. It is
equipped with imprinters that will send food items to the kitchen and
bar items to the bar. The register system imprints time of order, bar seat
number, and date. It is extremely important that you fully understand
the register operations, to eliminate food or beverages going out at
wrong times and to the wrong tables; and, wrong food being made and
sent out.
This system will also allow you to close out methods of payment for
cash or credit cards. This system is designed for the server's ease and
comfort, and enables them to remain on the floor and in their stations.
It is important for the server to be fluent in register operations for
many reasons:
Organization and speed in the kitchen
Waste control
The best customer service and experienceBartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 24 8/01/2005
Bar Station Setup
The Well
The well station is set up at each location behind the bar. This station is
designed to maximize the bartenders' speed and efficiency in preparing
commonly ordered drinks.
Each highball station should be set up in the same manner so that
bartenders are not searching for product as they move around the bar.
Guidelines for this station include:
Cubed ice in the bin with the ice scoop placed handle up in the ice.
Mixer and soda gun on the right hand side of the station.
Mixing mat placed in the rail, 2 mixing tins, and the bar strainer to
the right.
Bar spoon in a designated area.
All necessary garnishes in their proper containers (limes, etc.)
Straws, napkins in the napkin holder - organized and in easy reach.
Well liquors, arranged in a specified order, located in a speed rail
attached to the ice bin.
Lime mix and Grenadine in the speed rail.
Most frequently used call liquors located at every station in the
speed rails.
Glassware stored in its designated area at each station.
Stemware located so that it is accessible from every station.
Trash receptacle nearby.
6-Packs in a central, convenient location for all bartenders.
Condiments in a central convenient location for all bartenders.
Clean menus located by each bar well. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 25 8/01/2005
Back Station Setup
Hot Drink Station
2 burner hot plates (set on medium) with two coffee pots (one for
coffee, one for hot water).
Sugar and Sweet n' Low in plastic containers.
Footed glass cups in easy reach
Tea bags
* Lemon twists
* Sugar for rimming
Whipped cream and special whipped cream in easy reach.
Liquors and liqueurs for hot drinks in the nearest speed rail (bottles
are grouped by drink recipe where possible). Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 26 8/01/2005
Ordering Procedures
There are four (4) basic pricing categories. All drinks served at
[Restaurant Name] fall into one of these categories:
Super Premium
Top Shelf
Some specialty drinks will have their own prices listed on the price
look-up sheet.
It is a must that service personnel, and bartenders, use the correct
abbreviations. This is a back up system in case our register breaks
down. We are using a new type of register with a printer to reduce
vocal confusion of calling each drink. Please get into the habit of
writing all drinks on your order pad. This will give you a written record
of each drink sold.

Serving Order
When making drinks for servers, you need to set them up in the
following order. The servers will ring them in this order, and will be
expecting to pick them up in this manner. A calling order system is
necessary for efficiency and expediting the service well.
1. Frozen drinks
2. Up Drinks
3. Bottled beer
4. Tall and rocks drinks:
Brand Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 27 8/01/2005
5. Juice - Water
6. Wine by the glass
7. Coffee and hot drinks
8. Draft beer

Service System
Use the following system in case of register failure:
At [Restaurant Name], we use a silent ordering system. All drinks are
to be written properly by the servers on a guest check before obtaining
cocktails from the bar. Be sure of proper price category and drink
abbreviations before going to the bar. Put ticket in on bar easel.
Bartender will then make the drinks and, using a grease pencil,
underline the ticket. Servers will garnish properly and serve. Also, this
system eliminates having to call out the drinks. This is most important
for control and efficiency at the bar.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 28 8/01/2005
Preparing Drink Orders
Prepare all drink orders to recipe. Check glassware to make sure it is
clean and not chipped, ice all drinks properly and ensure all beer/wine
is served cold. Your goal is to prepare and deliver an order in less that

Delivering and Serving Drinks
In presenting drinks at the table, serve ladies first. Handle the glassware
in such a manner that your hands will not come in contact with the rim.
If you are in doubt about who gets which drink, ASK! It is better to
appear forgetful than to appear dumb. If the customer is sitting at the
bar, always ask if they would like to run a tab, whether it's with cash or
credit card.
If the guest pays in cash, leave yourself open for a tip. For example, if
the tab is $24.50 and the guest gives you $40.00, make sure you give
change of 5 ones, 2 fives, and 2 quarters. If the tab is $4.75 and the
guest gives you $10.00, make sure you give change of 5 ones and 1

Continued Service
Be attentive. Face your station. Never turn your back on your guests!!
After a guest has been served, do not abandon them. Approach the
guests often to empty and clean ashtrays and remove debris. Change
soggy napkins for fresh ones. All these services are subtle methods of
"silent selling."
If you see an empty pack of cigarettes, offer to get the customer a new
pack. Open the pack, tap a cigarette out and offer to light the cigarette
for the customer. Always carry a lighter while you are working. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 29 8/01/2005
Be able to do two things at one time
Take drink orders while cleaning bar.
Take orders while waiting for another guest to pay for a drink.
When not servicing the bar, step back and refrain from involving
yourself in the guests' conversations. Be attentive and efficient, but
never appear to be listening to the conversation. Never take part in a
guest's conversation unless directly addressed by the guest. Continually
check for reorders with eye contact and attentiveness.
Always be alert to solve guests' problems and answer questions: be a
part of the solution. If guests leave the bar to circulate, cover their
drinks to notify others that the guest will be returning. Establish
regulars by remembering what they drink. This contributes to
personalized service. There is no reason a guest should have to ask for
another cocktail. When the drink is 1/2 empty, offer to bring another by
name: i.e., "Can I bring you another Jack and Coke?" Never take a
guest's glass until a guest signals that it can be removed, or until
replaced with a fresh drink. Always replace soggy napkins and replace
when serving a fresh cocktail.
If a new guest joins a party, take his/her order, but never assume that
the new drink(s) go on any existing tab. Repeat service procedures for
every additional guest. Be aware of your station. As guests are leaving,
thank them for coming and invite them back again. Give your guests a
Unit business card with your name written on it, so they will ask for
your excellent service the next time they visit us.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 30 8/01/2005
Service Time
Service time is the time it takes for the guest to be greeted, have their
order taken, and for the guests' drinks to be delivered. It is the length of
time the guest perceives receiving service. The total length of time
should be four minutes or less. One minute or less to be greeted, and
then three minutes from the time the order is taken until the drinks are
Periodically throughout the night, management randomly clocks service
times and tracks them on a chart. This is not a personal test of your
ability to efficiently serve cocktails, it is a tool used to raise our level of
awareness as to how our guests perceive our service. Our goal is to
service all guests efficiently and consistently within four minutes. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 31 8/01/2005
Liquor Laws
Remember at all times that we have a responsibility in taking care of
our guests, to whom we are serving alcoholic beverages.
It is against the law to:
Serve alcoholic beverages to an intoxicated person.
Serve alcoholic beverages to an underage person. If you are in
doubt, it is your responsibility, as a server of alcoholic beverages,
to ask the individual for proper identification.
Permit any intoxicated person to remain on the premises. Do not
try to handle this type of situation yourself: GET A MANAGER.
Allow anyone to bring alcohol in any form into the Restaurant with
him or her.
Have an employee under the legal drinking age handle, dispense,
or serve liquor.
Pour from one bottle to another.
Serve liquor from any bottle not purchased by the Restaurant.
Allow anyone under the legal drinking age to sit at the bar. They
are allowed to sit in the bar area, but not at the bar. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 32 8/01/2005
Service Well
Servers will order beverages for guests at tables through the bartender
at the service well.
Server Responsibilities
Servers work as a team with the service bartender to ensure that drinks
are prepared for our guests in the most efficient manner.
Servers are responsible for:
Garnishing drinks

Bartender Responsibilities
The service bartender is responsible for:
Preparing drinks.
Teaching servers when mistakes are made in price, glass, or
Always use two hands to do several things at one time.
Service well is your main priority (keep servers happy).
The bartender working the service well is the bartender who pours
drinks for the servers; but also is responsible for the guest area of the
bar. Servicing the servers' needs is the service bartender's top priority.
When busy, recognize the customer first, but serve the servers first.
Guests will often try to order drinks in the service well area. You
should politely ask them to step out of the station. Explain that you will
be happy to get their drinks if they step to another area, but where they
are standing is a work area for the servers.
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[Restaurant Name] 33 8/01/2005
Drink Basics
Cocktails contain two types of ingredients and may contain a third.
They are:
Modifying, smoothing, or aromatizing agent
Special flavoring and coloring ingredients
This is the fundamental ingredient. It makes up at least 50% of the
cocktail. Normally, the base consists of a single liquor, which
determines the type of cocktail. There are gin cocktails (Martini),
whiskey cocktails (Manhattan), rum cocktails (Daiquiri), etc.
It is possible to combine two (or more) liquors as a base. For example,
rye and bourbon whiskeys, while different in flavor, have the same
characteristics and can be used interchangeably or in combination as a
base. Gin and white rum also blend well.
Modifying Agent
This ingredient smoothes down the biting sharpness of the raw liquor
and adds character to its natural flavor. The modifier flavor should
never predominate over the liquor flavor.
There are three classes of modifying agents:
Aromatics - vermouth, bitters, Dubonnet
Fruit Juices - orange, lemon, lime, etc., with or without sugar
Miscellaneous - "smoothing" agents such as sugar, cream, eggs,
etc. Cream and eggs produce a creamy, foamy drink that is
pleasing to the eye, as well as pleasant tasting.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 34 8/01/2005
Special Flavoring & Coloring Agents
These include fruit syrups as well as cordials or liqueurs. An ingredient
that is used as a modifier in one cocktail may be used as flavoring or
coloring in another.
Recipe Adherence
Your guests expect to receive a consistent, great tasting drink every
time they visit. In order to maintain a high level of consistency and
guest satisfaction [Restaurant Name] has carefully developed written
recipes for all drinks.
Every recipe has been thoroughly tested to ensure that the quality meets
our guests' expectations. Take pride in adhering to the recipe 100% of
the time.
Strict recipe adherence will involve focusing on the following areas:
Liquor Pouring
Drink Making & Techniques
Eye Appeal
(This may be waived, after you pass a free pour test)
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[Restaurant Name] 35 8/01/2005
Standardization of Beverage Orders
Well liquors are used when the guest does not specify a particular
brand to use: i.e., bourbon and Coke.
Call liquors are used when a guest specifies a particular brand of liquor
for the drink: i.e., Jack Daniel's and Coke.
Premium liquors are liquors with a specific brand name, but are either
aged or imported, and therefore, are more expensive: i.e., Crown Royal
and Coke. This would include the Super Premium liquors.
To be poured into the drink, then the drink is ordered by calling its
name. Examples of this would be Long Island Iced Tea, Black Russian,
or Manhattan.
Also, when ordering a drink that is to be prepared on the rocks, order it
as such. If a customer orders a Stoli on the rocks, order "Stoli rocks."
The bartender will then pour 2 oz. of that liquor. This does not include
drinks that contain a "splash" of a mix. These get ordered normally, and
get an ounce and a quarter shot.
Super Premium liquors are liquors and liqueurs with specific brand
names, but are either aged or imported, and therefore, more expensive:
i.e., a multi-liquor drink such as Long Island Iced Tea which uses
Absolute, Tanqueray, Grand Marnier, and Bacardi.
Top Shelf liquors are specialty liquors and liqueurs with a specific
brand name, but are either aged or imported, and have limited
availability, therefore, are more expensive. The items will be
individually priced per circumstance: i.e., Porfidio Tequila and Basil
Haden Bourbon are in the Top Shelf category, yet may not be the same

Preparing Drinks
Consistency of product is a vital part of our professionalism. A drink
prepared by one bartender must be prepared exactly the same way by
all other bartenders. Therefore, it is essential that you study and learn
the drink recipe manual and any specialty or regional drink recipes. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 36 8/01/2005
Before preparing a drink order, be certain that you have heard the
guest's order correctly, and repeat the order to the customer. Returned
drinks are costly to the Restaurant's profits and produce unhappy
If you do not know a recipe, look it up in the recipe book. If the drink is
not listed, ask the guest if he or she knows the ingredients. Often, the
same drink is called by a different name in different locales.
Always line up your tools and ingredients before beginning. A drink
that stays in the shaker while you get a glass will be less than the best.
Pour drinks accurately, using your jigger. Whenever possible, mix
drinks within the guest's sight with the label pointing toward the guest.
Return all liquor or other ingredients to their proper place after using
them. This speeds up service by ensuring the item can be found quickly
and easily for the next drink. After using any mixing time, always rinse
and wash before returning it to its proper storage place. The tin will be
ready for the next drink.
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[Restaurant Name] 37 8/01/2005
There are three basic rules concerning glassware:
Use the proper glassware for each drink.
Ensure that glassware is sparkling clean.
Ensure that glassware is not cracked or chipped. (Always use an
ice scoop; this will prevent glassware from chipping and cracking.
This is also a safety measure).

Proper Glassware
Glassware is specified on each drink recipe. Always use the correct
glass. This ensures the correct ratio of liquor to mixer. All of our
recipes were developed specifically for our glassware.
Unless specified in the recipe as pre-heated or pre-chilled, glassware
must be at room temperature. Glassware just out of the dish machine is
too hot to use. Adding ice to a hot glass will cause breakage.
Chilled Glassware
A glass is chilled when used to serve a cold beverage with no ice.
To Chill a Glass: Fill the glass with cubed ice, and then with
seltzer. Allow to sit while preparing the drink, then discard ice and
water. Shake out excess water and pour the cocktail. Do not return
ice and water to the ice bin.

Pre-Heated Glassware
A glass is pre-heated when used to serve a hot drink or aromatic
To Pre-Heat a Glass: Fill the glass with hot water and allow to sit
until hot to the touch, then pour hot water back into the pot. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 38 8/01/2005
Clean Glassware
A drink loses its appeal if it is served in a spotted or streaked glass.
At the front bar the glass washing machine is used to ensure clean
Please check cleaning chemicals frequently to ensure proper
This method satisfies health requirements, and ensures sparkling

Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 39 8/01/2005
90% of the drinks you make use ice in some form. Ice is a food product
and is consumed by your guests. It is treated with the same sanitary
procedures as any food item in our Restaurant.
Always ice glasses with an ice scoop. Never use your hands or scoop a
glass through the bin.
Glasses should never be placed in ice. You might break the glass in
the ice.
Ice must be hard and clear. Your management staff has a regular
maintenance program for the ice machines to ensure that they work
properly and provide the correct product.
Ice must be cold. Ice may vary in temperature from -10 F to +32 F.
"Warm" ice melts quickly and makes weak, diluted drinks.
Ice must be dry. Ice should stay dry. The ice bins should have
adequate drainage to allow melting water to drain off easily and
quickly. Check ice bin drains at the ice machine, service bar, and front
bar at least one a week.
Ice must be clean. Keep all impurities out of the ice. Some bars store
fruit, bottles, and cartons in the same ice used to mix drinks. Health
departments regard such ice as contaminated, and you should, too. Ice
bins and ice scoops should be included in a regular clean-up program.
Use plenty of ice when making drinks. Unless specified by recipe, all
glasses should be packed with ice before a drink is made. This ensures
the proper ratio of liquor to mixer. The correct amount of ice also
prevents over-dilution. Dilution is the water from melting ice, and is
part of any drink. However, excess dilution spoils the drink.
Use fresh, clean ice for every drink you make. Throw used ice away.
You would not serve a partially eaten salad, so do not use partially
consumed ice. Occasionally, a guest will request that you build a new
drink on top of the old one. In that case, accommodate the guest.
If you break a glass near or over an ice bin, take that ice out of service
immediately! Do not take a chance with your guests' safety. Broken
glass in ice is extremely hazardous. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 40 8/01/2005
Drink Making Techniques
All of our drinks are made using one of the following techniques:
• Build • Layer
• Stir & Strain • Float
• Shake & Strain • Top
• Mix • Muddle
• Blend
The correct procedure will be specified in the recipe.
When building a drink, the ingredients are poured directly into the glass
in which it is served (with or without ice). Building is the easiest drink-
making technique (used for highballs, juice drinks, nails, and hot
Stir & Strain
This technique is used to chill a clear liquor/liqueur or combination of
liquors/liqueurs when they are served straight up.
Stirring mixed ingredients, assures proper dilution, and chills liquor to
the proper serving temperature. Clear liquors are stirred and strained,
instead of shaken and strained, to maintain the crystal clarity of the
If a clear liquid is shaken or mixed, it becomes mixed with air and
looks cloudy. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 41 8/01/2005
To stir and strain a drink:
1. Fill a mixing glass with ice.
2. Pour ingredients into the mixing glass.
3. Stir quickly 8 to 10 times with a bar spoon until condensation forms
on the outside of the glass. DO NOT CHURN.
4. Fit a bar strainer over the mouth of the mixing glass and strain the
liquid into the proper glass. Never use your fingers to strain a
5. Wash the mixing glass, strainer, and bar spoon.

Shake & Strain
This technique is used with opaque ingredients (juices, sweet & sour
mix, cream).
Shaking and straining accomplishes the same result as stirring and
straining, but also produces a froth from the mixture and provides a
good show for the guest.
To shake and strain a drink:
1. Fill a mixing glass with ice.
2. Pour ingredients into the mixing glass.
3. Fit the mouth of a mixing tin over the mouth of the mixing glass at
an angle.
4. Rap mixing tin firmly downward onto the mixing glass to create a
5. Hold the base of the mixing glass in one hand and the base of the
mixing tin in the other hand. Vigorously shake until a frost appears
on the mixing tin.
6. While holding the mixing tin and glass, as in Step #5, gently tap the
protruding edge of the mixing tin against the shot rail to break the
seal between the tin and the glass. Lift the tin off. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 42 8/01/2005
7. Fit a bar strainer over the mouth of the mixing glass and strain the
mixture into the proper glass.
8. Wash the mixing glass, tin, and strainer.

A blending technique is used to liquefy solids. Frozen and ice cream
drinks are blended to a slushy or creamy consistency. There should be
fluid enough to pour, yet thick enough to hold a straw upright.
To blend a drink, follow these instructions:
1. Place ingredients into the blender cup, and then add ice.
2. Firmly set blender cup on base/motor. Place the top on the blender.
3. Set speed to "low" (draws ingredients down into blades and extends
the life of the blades, clutch and motor). Turn motor "on."
4. To produce a fully blended drink, after ingredients are incorporated,
switch speed to "high" until the blending is smooth.
5. Switch speed back to "low", turn off motor, allow blender to slow,
and remove blender cup (this extends the life of the blades, clutch
and motor).
6. Pour the mixture into the proper glassware.
7. Wash the blender.

Layering is used to produce distinct "layers" of ingredients with clear
and sharp separation of one layer from another.
Each ingredient is poured so that it "sits" atop the preceding ingredient,
with no mixing of the two.
To achieve this effect, follow the ingredient order listed in the
recipe. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 43 8/01/2005
1. Pour first ingredient into the glass.
2. Place bar spoon atop first "layer" so that the bowl of the spoon rests
on the surface of first "layer."
3. Slowly and carefully pour the desired amount of the next ingredient
"layer" into the bowl of the spoon (technically, the downward force
becomes an outward force, moving the second ingredient across
instead of through the first.)
4. Carefully angle the spoon out of the layer.

This technique produces an effect similar to layering. When floating or
topping, however, the "bleeding" of one ingredient into another is
desired vs. the sharp distinction between ingredients achieved by
To float an ingredient, pour it slowly from closely above the rim of the
glass while moving the bottle or pitcher in a circle over the top of the

Muddling accomplishes:
Extraction of juices or flavors from solids (example: cherry and
orange for an Old Fashioned), or
Dissolving of solids into liquid (example: sugar cubes for Irish
A muddler is a non-porous wooden tool used to press the ingredients,
not beat them. To muddle an ingredient, hold muddler firmly and press
it into the ingredient while turning it a quarter of a turn. Continue this
action until the solid is dissolved or the juice is released.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 44 8/01/2005
Eye Appeal
Eye appeal is very important. It impacts a guest's experience in our
Restaurant in three ways:
It Is a Sales Tool
There is a certain "something" about a unique drink that arouses the
guest's curiosity enough to ask the server about it. This is an excellent
opportunity to use salesmanship to introduce guests to our unique
It Enhances the Flavor of a Cocktail
Eye appeal is an important part of a guest's impression of a mixed
drink. If a drink is served in a sparkling, clean glass with fresh and
attractive garnishes, it will seem to taste better than the exact same
drink served in a spotted glass with an inferior garnish.
Serves as a Statement of Our Overall Quality
Every drink we serve is an example of the quality of our Restaurant.
Inferior products or garnishes should never be used. There is no reason
eye appeal cannot be 100% correct 100% of the time.

Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 45 8/01/2005
A good garnish increases the overall appeal of a drink. It should not
detract from the drink or make it difficult to consume the drink.
A garnish should be vivid in color and fresh in appearance with no
visible signs of age or deterioration.
A garnish is part of the recipe and is an essential part of the drink. The
drink recipe book gives sensitivities, which must be observed for all
Quality Hints
Cutting Fruit
Always wash fruit in cold water before cutting.
Always use a clean cutting board.
Use a clean, sharp knife.
Only stock enough fruit for any given 2-hour period (both at the
point and service wells).
Always store garnishes refrigerated, covered, and labeled.
Do not store old garnishes on top of new garnishes.
When storing citrus garnishes, which have been stocked, rinse
them with soda or water, and drain before coverage and
Cherries, olives, and cocktail onions should be stocked and stored
in their own juice.
Cut celery should be stored in water to retain crispiness, and
stocked on the station in ice water. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 46 8/01/2005
Waste/Quality Control
The most effective way to control garnish waste is to use accurate
pars. Your manager will demonstrate where your pars are recorded
and how to use them.
Quality control is everyone's responsibility. Garnish quality must
be judged each time a garnish is stocked, stored, or used.

24-Hour Garnish Cycle
Using a 24-hour garnish cycle ensures garnish freshness. To begin this
cycle, assume that when the bartender begins to cut garnishes, no fruit
is left from the previous day.
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 47 8/01/2005
Closing Out A Table
Presenting the Check
Before presenting the check, look it over to make sure you have
charged for everything correctly.
Either give the check in a booklet to the host (if known), or place it in
the center of the group and say, "Thank you." If the customer is paying
with a credit card, follow the house procedure. Pick up the check and
voucher after it is signed, and again, thank the customer. DO NOT
examine the tip as you leave the customer.
When you drop the check at the bar, make sure the customer knows
YOU are the cashier and will take care of the check whenever they are
ready. There is nothing more aggravating for a customer than
wandering around looking for a cashier.
Remember, it is at this point, when closing out the check, that the guest
is deciding the bartender's tip. A bad impression here can undo all
previous good impressions. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 48 8/01/2005
The Farewell
When your guests are departing, we have four distinct objectives:
5. To make sure their experience in our restaurant was pleasurable.
6. Thank them, by name, for their patronage.
7. To invite them back for another visit soon.
8. To make sure their last impression is a positive one.

Methods of Payment
Approved methods of payment are cash, VISA, Master Card, and
American Express, and checks. All other methods of payment, i.e.
Travelers Cheques, require management approval. When accepting
personal checks, you must get approval by management, and include
the following information:
Driver's license number
Current address
Phone number (day and evening)

Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 49 8/01/2005
Opening, Running, Closing Duties
Every shift at the restaurant has opening, running, and closing duties.
These duties are posted in the bar book. These duties are extremely
important in assuring smooth daily operations and ongoing quality
service. These duties require teamwork, and through teamwork, we will
maintain excellence in service.
Opening and closing duties will not be considered complete until
approved by the manager on duty. Running duties refer to ongoing
duties while the Restaurant is open for business. The responsibility of
making sure these duties are being done during the shift is that of you
and your teammates. Each station is assigned its own duties. Some
duties will require individual effort, while others will require team
Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 50 8/01/2005
Bar Cleanliness
Cleanliness at the bar is essential. Our guests' impression of us is at
stake. Even at hours of peak business, your bar should appear clean and
Your store will have a list of daily housekeeping duties for the bar. This
list will include the following:
• Stainless counters • Blenders
• Sinks • Mixers
• Ice bins • Back up liquor
• Liquor bottles • Beer taps
• Trash cans • Coffee burners
• Bar surface • Beer drains
• Refrigerators and Coolers • Speed rails
• Plastic bottles • Storage areas
• Glassware • Soda gun hoses and nozzles
• Condiments and holders • Cash registers
These tasks are specifically assigned as A.M. or P.M. duties to the
opening bartender, early out bartender, or closing bartenders/barback.
On a weekly basis, every part of the bar is thoroughly cleaned.
The weekly clean up will include:
‰ Cleaning out all storage areas.
‰ Cleaning out all par shelves.
‰ Cleaning stainless counters and sinks.
‰ Cleaning out walk-in and reach-ins thoroughly.
‰ Cleaning soda gun - nozzles, holders, and hoses. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 51 8/01/2005
End Of Shift Responsibilities
At the end of your shift, you will be responsible for cleaning and
restocking the bar.
If you work on A.M. shift or a P.M. early out, you will leave the bar
clean, organized, and stocked with liquor, beer, wine, mixes, garnishes,
and glassware for the closing bartender(s).
If you are closing, you will complete a comprehensive check of the
bar's organization. Your responsibilities will include:
Restocking responsibilities:
‰ Liquor
‰ Beer
‰ Wine
‰ Napkins
‰ Straws

Proper storage procedures:
‰ Mixes and juices
‰ Usable fruit garnishes
‰ Ice cream

Cleaning responsibilities:
‰ Fruit containers
‰ Mixing glasses
‰ Tins
‰ Strainers and utensils
‰ Bar top
‰ Ice bins Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 52 8/01/2005
‰ Stainless surfaces
‰ Floor

Removing all bottles, cleaning the speed rail and the bottles, and
reorganizing the bottles.
Flushing beer drains and cleaning drip pans and grills.
Emptying trash and storing trash cans.
Requisitioning liquor.
Completing walk through with the Manager.

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[Restaurant Name] 53 8/01/2005
Bartender Security Responsibilities
1. When coming on duty, the Manager will supply you with the
appropriate cash banks. You should count this prior to starting your
2. You are responsible for any differences when checking out.
3. If you need change during your shift, notify your Manager.
4. If you accumulate over $1,000 in cash in the register drawer, the
Manager will remove the excess leaving only sufficient change
reserve for you to operate.
5. The Manager and you will verify and record (in the P.O.S. as a
Drop) the amount of cash taken. The cash will be dropped in the
safe and will be witnessed by another Manager or bartender.
6. Upon checking out your register, call the Manager for an escort to
the office and lock the door.
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[Restaurant Name] 54 8/01/2005
Check Out Procedures
1. Your computerized register system will print out your guest check
at the end of each table's meal. This alleviates the issuance of any
manual guest checks.
2. Once a guest check is printed out and a customer has paid, you will
close out that check to cash, Master Card, VISA, or American
Express, or other forms of payment. You must keep all printed out
closed guest checks for checkout.
3. Before beginning your checkout each shift, check the following:
‰ Make sure all your customers are through, have been tabbed,
and do not need anything else. I.e., coffee, tea, etc.
‰ Be certain the manager has closed your section for the shift.
‰ Make sure you have collected from all of your tables and have
all your tickets with you.
‰ Make sure all plates, silverware, glassware, and containers are
cleared from all of your tables.
‰ Be certain that all of your side work and closing duties are done.
‰ Make sure that you have your full uniform on at all times, while
in the front of the house.
‰ Have a manger do any deletions of voids, over rings, and promo
tickets. All over rings must be signed by a manager at the time
they occur, and not at the end of the shift. You never sit down to
eat, drink, or smoke until all of the above are completed.
Starting your checkout before all your customers are finished is
grounds for termination.

Over Rings Or Voids
Any time you make a register mistake of an item you did not want to
ring up. Get a manager immediately to correct this on the register, and Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 55 8/01/2005
notify the kitchen or bar NOT TO PREPARE THAT ITEM. Over rings
and voids are register mistakes of items never served or prepared.

House Promo
Occurs anytime an item has been prepared and served to a customer
that was not satisfied with the item. Perhaps it was under or over
cooked, or the glass was chipped, etc. This would include a customer
waiting too long for their meal. Only a manager can do this function on
the register. Get the manager before closing any house promo tickets.

Manager Promo
Occurs anytime a manager wishes to buy a table a round of drinks,
perhaps a dessert, or any free purchase approved by a manager
promoting good will to our patrons. Inform the manager when you are
serving a regular guest you would like to buy a drink for, a special
guest to send an appetizer out to, a large party, or to send
complimentary desserts. Please introduce the manager to these
customers by name. We want to help you develop a large regular
following. From time to time, the restaurant will have contests
promoting such clientele builders. Get the manager on duty before
closing out any manager promo tickets.

Employee Discount/Customer Discount
Occurs anytime the full amount of an item will not be collected. For
example, employee meals or coupons offering $2.00 off any menu item,
or buy one, get one free coupons, or frequent lunch program discounts.
Only a manager can discount guest checks on the register. Get the
manager on duty before closing out any discount checks. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 56 8/01/2005
Now You Are Ready To Check Out!!
1. Arrange your tickets, top to bottom, in the following order:
All promo tickets - manager, house discounts and other charges.
All charges, separated in this order: 1) American Express, 2)
Master Card, and 3) VISA. Be certain merchant copy of the
charge voucher is stapled to the paper guest check.
All remaining cash tickets.
2. Prepare the Server Checkout Sheet. Make sure you have no open
3. Be certain charge totals of Master Card, VISA, and American
Express, along with promos, discounts or other charges balance
with what you have on your guest checks. Use the calculator to
double check. If they do not balance, this means that you are
missing a guest check, or charge receipt
NOTE: Add only items that were actually rung up on the register.
If you bought a customer’s cigarettes, for example, and you added
that money in on their tab by hand, do not include it in your actual
totals. This will prevent you from balancing to the register.
4. The following items should be ready for the manager, before you
enter the office:
Promo checks, houses, and over rings accounted for on register.
Have all money counted and faced.
Have all charge vouchers matched with the ticket they paid for.
All tickets in order, with houses, promos, then charges, and cash
tickets as previously stated. There should only be ONE person in
the office doing checkout at a time. This helps eliminate
unnecessary confusion and mistakes. Please use the calculator
provided for you.
Have the Check Out Sheet completed up to the register reading
entries. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 57 8/01/2005
5. The manager will give you your register reading to enter on your
Check-Out Sheet. The register reading will include your total sales
and your total cash due. Cash due = total sales - charges. Count out
cash due and have ready in the largest denominations of bills
If for some reason you cannot balance to the register totals, ask the
manager for assistance.

Tip Pool
A tip pool is to show appreciation towards those team mates who assist
you in doing your job more proficiently: allowing you to give the best
service possible, and helping you make more money.
The management at [Restaurant Name] understands that we cannot
dictate how the service staff participates in a tip pool; however, we
believe in a strong teamwork philosophy. Due to this philosophy, we
have given the staff the decision-making powers to create and
implement a tip pool with management assistance and final approval.

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[Restaurant Name] 58 8/01/2005
Performance Standards
1. We do not have "go cups" under any circumstances. No one may
take any bottle or glass outside of the building.
2. We do not keep purses or any personal belongings for the
customers. This includes employees when they are in on their off
3. Advise a Manager of any customer who appears to be intoxicated.
5. If you fail to show up for a shift, you will meet with the General
Manager prior to your next scheduled shift.
6. Notify a Manager of anything out of the ordinary, or any possible
7. A smile and friendly attitude are part of everyone's uniform and will
increase your income.
8. All employees are required to have a telephone number where they
can be reached.
9. If you notice anything in the Restaurant that is broken or damaged,
notify a Manager.
10. Do not leave the bar on break without checking with a Manager.
11. Do not eat, drink, or smoke while on the floor.
12. You must be in the bar working in completed uniform at your
scheduled time.
13. A Manager must approve all schedule changes.
14. If you wish to continue to have a break area, keep it clean. Do not
leave glasses, ashtrays, napkins, etc., lying out.
15. You must clock in and out as scheduled. BE ON TIME
16. Print a copy of your schedule each week. Do not call up to the
Restaurant to find out your schedule. You are responsible for
knowing your schedule. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 59 8/01/2005
17. You may not receive personal phone calls at the Restaurant, except
in a real emergency. Please inform your friends and family.
18. Schedule requests are due one week prior to the posting of the
schedule. Leave them in the designated area.
19. You may not come into the back of the house after you have been
drinking. You may not take drinks into the break room.
20. If you want to return to the Restaurant after work and have a
cocktail, maintain a very high standard of behavior, leave at last
call, and be the very first to leave when the lights go up.
21. If you have a suggestion on how to make the Restaurant run more
efficiently, please give them to a Manager.
22. Remember to enjoy yourselves and have fun while you are here. Let
the Managers handle all problems, big or small.
23. You will greet your guests with -
A smile
Your name
A welcome
Promotional information and specials
24. When your guests leave, you will thank them for coming and invite
them back.
25. You will clean stations during your shift - EVERYTHING from
floor to ceiling.
26. No more than two cigarette butts per ashtray. Cap them properly.
27. Your service well is your station -- KEEP IT CLEAN!
28. Teamwork is ESSENTIAL.
29. Do not grab glasses from people's hands at last call. Find a
Manager, and let them assist.
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[Restaurant Name] 60 8/01/2005
You Should Not
1. Make unnecessary noise. This is annoying to guests dining nearby.
2. Overfill a glass with mix; it weakens the drink.
3. Be overly familiar with a guest when he/she is with others.
4. Mention a guest's last visit unless they bring it up first.
5. Let guests wait for service if they are alone at the bar (they will
become impatient quickly). Remember the order in which guests
arrive, but try to serve the "loner" first.
6. Gossip. Do not tell off-color stories or argue politics or religion.
Never complain about fellow employees, supervisors, guests, or
bosses. A good bartender never wins an argument.
7. Neglect a "new" guest by standing at one end of the bar engaged in
idle conversation. Never let anyone feel like an outsider.
8. Interrupt; be a good listener. However, never give the impression of
listening in on conversation between guests.
9. Do not water down drinks or short pour drinks. Do not try to correct
the situation by refusing or discontinuing service to a guest. This
could jeopardize your relationship with other guests.
10. To ensure the safety of our guests [Restaurant Name] has
developed a program to educate all employees to the effects and
possible hazards of alcohol.
11. Our intent is to provide our guests with an enjoyable experience in
our Restaurant and to ensure that they leave our Restaurant safely.
12. Our alcohol awareness written material informs employees about
recognizing the signs of intoxication. Employees are shown how to
prevent intoxication and what procedures to follow if a guest
becomes intoxicated. Bartender Training Manual
[Restaurant Name] 61 8/01/2005
Checking Identification
By law, you are responsible for carding anyone that you suspect is not
of legal drinking age. Do not put yourself in jeopardy by serving a
Check ID's of anyone who appears to be under the age of 25. Also, card
guests appearing to be under 25, who return an empty glass and order
another drink.
Try to serve only guests you can see. Minors may send someone older
for their drinks.

Our pricing on doubles is as follows: for a double drink, charge twice
the normal price. There are two reasons for this policy:
We do not want to encourage our guests to become intoxicated.
In mixed and blended drinks, adding an extra shot of liquor alters
the flavor. We believe that the standard recipes are the best way to
serve these drinks.
If a guest requests a double mixed drink, explain the price and advise
him that we do not recommend serving the drink that way. If they
persist, accommodate them, and then notify a Manager.
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Front Of The House Behavior
There is to be no yelling or arguing in the front of the house. If you
have a problem with a customer, DO NOT ARGUE, keep calm, and get
a manager. The same applies to employee relations. No yelling or
arguing or yelling, get a manager.
Eating Or Drinking
There is to be no eating or drinking in the front of the house at any
time. Food is only to be eaten during management-approved breaks.
After Shift Behavior
Employees may not sit with customers at a table or at the bar while in
uniform. If you are visiting the restaurant off duty, you are still a
representative of [Restaurant Name]. For this and other reasons, we
will appreciate you maintaining a very high standard of behavior.
Bartender Training Manual
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There is a lot of information contained in this manual! Believe it or not, however, there is
even more information that is not.
We have given you the basics, as we view them, and how we would like them to be
conducted. There is no section in this manual concerning "Teamwork." The reason for
this is that we feel this topic falls under the "Common Sense" category. We expect our
staff at [Restaurant Name] to possess this common sense from the word "GO."
We want you to use the service tips in the manual, along with your common sense, and
above all, YOUR individuality, to help create an atmosphere that will encourage good
times for our customers, and yourself. When this happens, you will be ensuring the
success of not only [Restaurant Name], but also yourself.